Making Up For Lost Time....Need Advice

by kitties_and_horses_oh_my! 11 Replies latest jw friends

  • kitties_and_horses_oh_my!

    Doc and I have decided that when I finish my Master's Degree in Psychology we're going to move somewhere for me to pursue my PhD. It's an amazing opportunity, somethng that as a dub I never even dreamed of. I have so many questions though: how do I find out which schools are considered to be at the top for Psych programs? What do I need to do to prep now to increase my chances of admission? Besides the school, we also want to move to somewhere where there's a fair amount of culture and the summers aren't super-humid, if possible. It's so exciting to finally be persuing dreams that I never imagined would even be possible. Doc wants to get his degree in Computer Science with a minor in Mathmatics. It's odd that we're in our late 20's and only now considering all of this, so different from the 18-year olds who have few responsibilities and can backpack through Europe, etc. But I think we both want to do everything we missed out on, regardless of whether it's the typical time to do these things. I'd love to hear, too, from people who've taken risks after leaving and who (hopefully!) have been glad they did.

    Luv yu guys, thx!

  • redhotchilipepper

    That is so IMPRESSIVE!!!! I'm really proud of the two of you. I was wondering, where do you live now? I can't answer alot of the questions you posted, just wanted to say go for it. You're both still young! Have fun too! I find learning new things is alot more fun now then when I was younger. I wouldn't say it's a big achievement, but I did a real estate investment course. Home study. I sold our single dwelling house myself and have bought a duplex. It has been a big challenge! Being a landlord is alot of work. Hard work. It has it's ups and downs. It's a sense of achievement for me, though. I now want to become a real estate agent and buy more properties eventually. It can be very addictive. Investing is fun! RHCP-My husband, well now ex, and I converted the duplex into a fourplex. Lots of sweat equity. Some fun times though!

  • redhotchilipepper

    When I told my sister I wanted to become a realtor. She and the other witness sisters had nothing but negative things to say about it. My Worldly father, so to speak, was all for it. Totally different mindset.

  • gypsywildone

    Good for you! Be brave & go for it! It will take time & work, but you can do it.

    This is a great use of your life & time! Much better than getting drunk & making a fool of yourself, trying to get back the adolescence you never had & thought you missed. It can't be done.

    I truly believe living well IS the best revenge, & there is nothing that makes the jws any more upset than someone getting out & vastly improving their life. They just don't understand it if you don't fulfil their "prophecy" of nothing but unhappiness for those that leave.

  • StinkyPantz


    It's odd that we're in our late 20's and only now considering all of this, so different from the 18-year olds who have few responsibilities and can backpack through Europe, etc. But I think we both want to do everything we missed out on, regardless of whether it's the typical time to do these things.

    Wow, you sound like me a couple years ago! Fortunately you have plenty of time to figure this all out. Just remember, Google is your friend .

    My first step was finding schools that had good programs in Forensic Science and Psychology (my two majors). Try this site to see how the universities rank for doctoral programs since that is what you are interested in.

    Once you have narrowed down the top few schools you'd like to consider, think about the part of the country (or world) that you'd like to live in. My determining factor was the winter weather that I'd have to deal with at least while going to school there for a few years, and possibly a place I'd like to live permanently. For me, I wanted very mild winters (ex. the high today is 75, and I LOVE that!). You don't want humid summers.. so work around that. I also didn't like the idea of a small town or small college. So for us, after considering several factors it was either a Florida school or a California School. Anyway, here is a good site where you can easily find the demographics for certain cities and compare a prospective city with your current city.

    Then after that, well, you contact the school and ask for info. They'll tell you what specifics they require for your admission. I have no clue what getting a PhD involves since I am still working on my Bachelor's, so I haven't investigated it properly.

    I must say, I am so excited for you! I love to see people my age that were trapped in a cult like me, getting on with their lives and not letting their past hold them back.

    Good luck to you both, and if I can help at all, let me know.

    Oh, one thing, regarding this:

    I'd love to hear, too, from people who've taken risks after leaving and who (hopefully!) have been glad they did.
    I moved cross-country, leaving behind all family ('cept Jon of course), friends, and a stable job to pursue my dreams (it helps to have a really supportive husband like we have). It was the scariest thing to date that I have ever done. Am I glad I did it? I am very, very, very glad I did. No regrets!
  • blondie

    redhot, in this area there are 3 sisters and 2 brothers in the realty business. I think these sisters were just jealous. Two of the sisters pull in more money than their JW hubbies too. They just attend the congregation that allows them to be at the open houses w/o missing meetings. The joys of JW thinking, eh?


  • frenchbabyface

    go for your dreams go !!!

  • Bubbamar

    Hi kitties

    THat sounds awesome! I say GO FOR IT!! I am 37 and just now starting graduate school (in counseling) I started my undergraduate when I was 25 and still feel like I'm behind - thanks to my JW upbringing and all the emotional problems that came with that. I considered moving to another state to go to grad school and looked into the University of NM in Albaquerque (sp?). It was such an exciting prospect - but eventually decided to stay home. I think if I would have had a partner to do it with - It would have made it so much easier.

    When I was school shopping, the internet was an invaluable tool - not just to find out about schools - but also the different cities - weather, culture, etc. I can't really help you with psychology programs - but New Orleans is EXTREMELY humid!

    Lots of luck to you!!

  • Mulan

    Since you already live in Washington, how about the University of Washington? Seattle is a great place to live. Mild climate, very little snow and cold in the winters and a pretty mild summer too.

  • Little Red Hen
    Little Red Hen

    Congratulations on your scholastic achievements. Here is a site that offers a ranking of US schools by program and focus.

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