by Voyager 12 Replies latest watchtower scandals
Nothing weird about that - they negotiate the best deal like everybody else. It's a shame that so much of their efforts have to go into producing an assembly that is stupefying in its content. I mean, come on, pep things up a bit, guys - here's another old man reading from a script.... great... give him some sock puppets and I might pay more attention.
Czar, that is what I was thinking, the WTS tries to get the best monetary deal. I have noticed that they have been using more rundown facilities every year. To me that indicates that the WTS has a cash flow problem, more going out than coming in.
The rank and file have noticed that things aren't as cushy. The hotels in this area that are on the list are substandard and many more JWs are going to hotels off the list.
when they had the meetings in Bryan\College Station last year their idea on hotel accomodations were piling people up in empty dorm rooms. I never did see the Hotel list though as my wife is never up to speed on these things because of her spotty attendance, but for her sake I actually tried to get a room close to assembly week but everything was filled.
They'll have to split it up though as that venue only holds about 14K at a time and the one day I went, 1/3 of the seats were still empty. Bring a lunch, they'll already "encourage" that, because the closest fast food places are about 3 miles away.
Sub standard motels and hotels were the norm for the Daytona Beach assemblies. We couldn't believe the smelly, moldy, cockroached filled rooms they negotiated with. They even gave a reminder at the meeting not to use any others even if these were not the best. Do they get a kickback?? or just a discount?
We refused to sleep in any of these they were so bad and took a room elsewhere. We weren't catching a disease, aggrivating my allergies, and suffering all night for a $2 savings and then try to convince ourselves we were suffering for Jehovah's name. REDICULOUS!.
From what I read, it looks like the city arena has a price for the rent.
The JWs do not bring in this amount per day.
Simple math. Nothing more.
San Antonio also has their 'arena' that is overpriced for some events. Most events ask a fee at the door - to get in.
Perhaps the JWs should 'charge' an admission fee at the door - to help offset some of these costs. (Yeah - right!)
RE: Blondie's comment -
I do not think the JW organization is really hurting... not at the 'higher' levels. Perhaps - since they have restructured so many times, they have isolated their 'wealth' from the lower, more local levels... I might believe that!
Jim TX
I haven't been to an assembly in years - but I do recall that my parents have started attending other conventions rather than the one they were assigned to. I'm not sure why. I wonder about the cash flow, blondie, what does it mean? Will they start tithing, do you think? Can a religion file for bankruptcy? maybe they are preparing for the end - and that's why they are forming all these corporations to obfuscate any bankruptcy proceedings...
The Watch Tower Publishing Corporation is just a secular business doing business in a secular business world. The thing they are best at is deal making and making money. To understand them, look at them as a business rather than a religion. Then it all makes sense.
$10,000 US to rent someone else's facility was too much for them?
I know for a fact...I was unfortunately there to hear it....that expenses for the 2 day CA at their own London, Ontario Assembly Hall was just over $10,000 CA. Of course a sizable part of that is the ludicrous donation they decide upon beforehand. And as of Sun morning they were supposedly still about 6 grand in the whole for that weekend.
I agree with you both Blondie and Czar. The CAs and DAs are horrible and I've seen more and more people not show up, or arrive very late for morning and afternoon sessions.
I do not think the JW organization is really hurting... not at the 'higher' levels. Perhaps - since they have restructured so many times, they have isolated their 'wealth' from the lower, more local levels... I might believe that!
The assemblies/conventions are not financed by money from the headquarters but rather from money from the previous conventions/assemblies donated by individual JWs. They have a nest egg they use to start the ball rolling for the next time besides the large amount the local elders are "encouraged" to vote to send to headquarters. Once the individual's money hits the headquarters, the local congregations will never see it except on an interest basis.
So no matter, how much money the headquarters has, it is the local circuits/districts that have to come up with the money from the local JWs. Money flows up never down.
What it does point up is that the local JWs are giving less and less money at the KHs and at the conventions/assemblies. The headquarters is not going to make up the difference so the only choice is to go for cheaper facilities.
The JWs in my area are not happy with the location, parking, hotels, and quality of the facilities. They go to other ones nearby that have nicer surroundings.