What makes people really excel?

by formerout 29 Replies latest jw friends

  • Dan-O
    Is it pathetic that I was thinking the same thing?

    Pathetic. Yes, indeed. Now ... go show off your sexy legs to Kitties before I travel west to commit unspeakable acts.

  • StinkyPantz
    lol Dano and DrWtson...I was also thinking Microsoft office...Great Minds think alike :)

    LOL!! Me too.. I thought it was a play on words.. Excel being capitalized and all.

  • formerout

    Ok, since some here seem to not be able to get beyond the Bill Gates' "Excel" and Office success, although none have decided to say why he has become who he is, the topic will now be entitled: "What makes people achieve greater things than all the others who want the same success?"


  • candidlynuts

    i've always whined that i have no talent in anything..

    i think some people are just born able to excel in things. and i think parental encouragement means a lot or alternatively parental DIScouragement makes some more determined to succeed.

  • redhotchilipepper

    Inner drive and determination. Sometimes you aren't good at something but you sure can be determined to learn.

  • redhotchilipepper

    Candidlynuts: I don't believe what you say. I'm sure you have alot of talents. I know your very talented when it comes to making people laugh on the forum. You have to give yourself that. Come on girl, don't be so hard on yourself. There's plenty of other people who are always ready to cut us down(in general), so don't do it to yourself. Your wonderful!!!

  • redhotchilipepper

    Maybe that's why they call it hidden talent?

  • JustTickledPink

    I think it has to do with personality all the way. They are talented first off but they use their people skills to get what they want.

    Personality, looks, and determination.

    But of course I love the people who have tons of determination and they are like 40 or 50 yoa and still waiting for their "big break" at what point do these people realize they aren't going to make it and get a REAL JOB ???

  • JustTickledPink

    I think it has to do with personality all the way. They are talented first off but they use their people skills to get what they want.

    Personality, looks, and determination.

    But of course I love the people who have tons of determination and they are like 40 or 50 yoa and still waiting for their "big break" at what point do these people realize they aren't going to make it and get a REAL JOB ???

  • shamus

    Scientists, musicians, doctors and lawyers do coke too. Obviously not all of them, but some.

    I think the question has been answered already.

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