hi Prisca
How did you find this site? Recommendation from someone? Found it while crusing the net?
i heard about this site when witnet closed. i was a lurker there because i couldn't get registered with the powers that were at that site. so when i came here and registered and WAS registered immediately, i was very happy. then i read some stuff and realized that i may actually get to say what is really on my mind...was very happy about that
i also posted just a little bit on the old H2O and i read that board daily. i felt a bit more free to post here at
j-w.com since this was a smaller community then.
What have you gained from being here?
a LOT! friends, insights in the inner workings of the borg, knowledge, information, friends, wisdom (i hope!), friends
What insights have you learnt about the WTS, about faith, about other people, or about yourself?
about the wts:
had no clue about the inner workings of the borg, what bethel life is like, the pedophile problem, the sheer numbers of exjws, the amazing amount of contradictory things found in their own writings!! (a special thanks to all of you who take the time and effort compile this information for us "research challenged" folks lol.)
about faith:
well, even as a jw, i really never had much faith in jehovah or the bible. i think i was just going thru the motions because that was what was expected of me. so this board and H2O and other independent reading i've done has really helped me to realize that i don't need GOD in my life to make me happy. i can make myself happy a great feeling. so i have learned to have faith in myself and not unprovable skydaddies (thanks md, love this term)
other people:
well, i've known for quite a few years now that the world had both its good and bad people in it, and i've learned that this carries over to the 'net as well. i tend to just roll with it, taking the good with the bad, tying to not the let the bad effect me and loving the good i find and see in people.
hmm, hardest one for me to answer....besides this jw crap, my life has had some interesting turns in the last few months. i feel as if i'm on a continual learning adventure, like a rollercoaster. i do know that my eyes are wide open and i'm enjoying the ride of life, and can't wait to see what the future brings me. bring it on baby! lol
okay, i've gabbed enough for now.
so in closing, i want to say THANKS again to all who contribute to this board. i've gained and learned so much from so many of you and i'm not sure i'll ever be able to repay each of you directly. hugs to you all
"If God has spoken, why is the world not convinced?"
..........Percy Bysshe Shelley, English poet (1792-1822)