I studied with an elder so he was the one I always went to - I reported somebody for smoking when I had only been baptized for about 3 months - they got the Big D
Were You One of Those That Ran To The Elders About Everything???
by minimus 35 Replies latest jw friends
Stilla, at the time, did you feel good about it??
I am ashamed to admit YES I did feel good about it at the time
no, but I told on people if they approached me and asked. pretty stupid.
No I was always the one that others ran to the elders about... hahahaha Wasnt me!
el jarocho mayor
Cant say that I ever did. My mom's saying was that your dirty laundry gets washed at home. Oh wait...one time I did, but that was to squash some rumors that my good friend and I had gone to a strip club and that a brother had seen my car in the parking lot and had seen my buddy and I walk out from the place. It wasnt true. I didnt want my privledges in the cong to be affected, thats why I brought it up, before I was ever approached about it. But now I go to strip clubs all the time.......privledges be damned!
How much private and confidential information do you think gets leaked to overbearing, busy-body elderettes? Reminds me of that old Witness joke... Don't get your hopes up:
A publisher, mimisterial servant, and elder are out in service when they find a genie in a bottle. They have three wishes to split between them.
"I wish I had more knowledge about the God's Organization, to help run it," says the publisher. POOF! He becomes a ministerial servant.
"I wish I had more knowledge about the Bible, to help teach it," wished the ministerial servant. POOF! He's becomes an elder.
"I wish I knew everything that was going on in the congregation, to help influence it," wishes the elder. POOF! He becomes a sister!
LOL - reminds me of a true story at a BOE meeting - an elders says to the body, with the COs visit coming up shortly I need to find out what is going on in the congregation -I will go and visit Sister "Gossip" - not her real name
There were some sisters that were very good sources but ministerial wannabees were better.
Minimus... thats so true, ministerial wannabe's are full of information and often will find out what you want to know. The thing is though, when these guys eventually become MS's they spy on you for the PO and CO so that they can become elders. Hall-otics are ridiculous indeed!