Just wondering......!
A recent survey suggested that 70% of couples with pets insisted that their pet was removed from the bedroom before they indulged in sexual activity. The remaining 30% didn't mind in the least if they were observed by Rover or Tiddles. What, I wonder should a mature JW couple do, if, on the point of no return, they found themselves being balefully regarded by the family basset hound? Should they desist and remove the creature? If not, could they face a severe disciplining for encouraging voyeurism? Worse still, would continuing in their passion in front of the family pet be considered as porneia? Supposing the pet was a hamster, would this also be classed as unbecoming conduct? How about a goldfish?
So, I was just sort of wondering, can you imagine A WT "Questions from Readers" on this subject?
I wonder, how would the question be phrased? I also wonder what the reply would be?
..... fanaticism masquerading beneath a cloak of reasoned logic.