To what extent do the elders keep information on us?

by JH 23 Replies latest jw friends

  • JH
    In all my years, I never had one person ask to see their letter.

    Maybe they didn't know that such a letter existed. The elders don't tell us everything when we get baptized.

  • PinTail

    What can you expect from a permissive brain washing society catering to the immoral left wing extremist?


  • upside/down

    I asked to see my letter when I moved and was flat out told NO!

    Then a while later I was brought before a JC from my PREVIOUS congo over 1000 miles away. I was absolutely dumbfounded- I'd done nothing. So before the "proceedings" started I asked who my accuser was and what proof and witnesses there were- I was told that I was not to be privy to that information either! I stood up and screamed that not only was this unscriptural ( a term that means nothing to a WTS Dub) but it was UNCONSTITUTIONAL and that I requested a lawyer be present! I have those RIGHTS!

    You never saw such a scared bunch of "elders". They stuttered and stammered and looked stupidly at each other. I sent letters to the CO and WTS (certified w/ witness signatures) NOTHING has been or will be done. They don't even dignify me with a reply- they are more than happy to let me and my family just fade away. 20 years of blind loyalty- for what?


  • justhuman

    Actually you can ask their wifes they know more!!!

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