Cute but very disturbing... Send your kid a letter from Santa...

by Elsewhere 45 Replies latest jw friends

  • Mulan
    Mulan I got older I didnt feel "lied" to. I really feel bad that my son never learned the magic of's a positive thing for kids.

    This is how I feel too. I wish with all my heart that we had given our children the magical Christmas memories that our grandchildren are experiencing now.

    I don't feel that what I said was rude at all. I happen to disagree with the viewpoint being expressed, and maybe I have strong feelings because it was all ripped away from me at age 4. Maybe I should have said to "let it go" instead of "get over it", but it's all just semantics isn't it?

  • flower

    Respectfully disagreeing with someones opinion is one thing, telling them their opinion is silly and they should get over it is another. Rude no matter how you say it.

  • Princess
    I wish with all my heart that we had given our children the magical Christmas memories that our grandchildren are experiencing now.

    You know, I just don't have any regrets about not having Christmas. I think the realization that I never would have met Steve if we hadn't been Witnesses is just enough to make me grateful for the life I've had. Don't feel any regret for what I missed out on because what I have gained as a result is truly amazing.

    We had so many great memories from other occasions that far surpassed the magic of Christmas. Our 1980 Hawaii trip is the first thing I thought of when you mentioned that.

    The kids love Christmas but it's not what they talk about when they are remembering really fun times. They talk about family trips to Orcas or the holiday trip to Hawaii in 2002. Family is where it's at.

    FWIW, I don't think you were being rude before either. If we could just dump all the JW mindset once and for all, these issues would be a thing of the past.

  • Mulan
    telling them their opinion is silly and they should get over it is another

    But I do think it's silly. I am allowed to express my feelings. Let's not get a war going over this issue, all right?

    Princess: Thanks for saying that. I'm glad you feel that way.

  • Princess

    Personally, I think this was a bit rude:

    I was also very much against the idea of me working my ass off to get the money for something and a fat old white guy getting the credit for it.

    Santa deserves more respect.

  • MungoBaobab
    To see the look on a kid's face when they get that letter is priceless !

    Perhaps something akin to seeing the look on a JW's face when he recieves a publication from the GB and thinks it comes from the desk of the Almighty Himself? After all, it's so magical to have a healthy fantasy life...

  • StinkyPantz

    I thought the "get over it" comment was rude (although most people rarely think what they say/do is rude.. doesn't mean it isn't). Also, "let it go" and "get over it" are not a matter of semantics.. the degree is quite different.

    Anyways, regarding this:

    I wish with all my heart that we had given our children the magical Christmas memories that our grandchildren are experiencing now.

    Since we are talking about Santa, here's my comment: Belief in Santa doesn't equal "magical Christmas memories", so disbelief in Santa and still celebrating Christmas can still bring forth magical Christmases. As a matter of fact, my husband and I celebrate and will celebrate with our children and they will be told that neither Jesus nor Santa are supernatural, mystical beings. Like someone else said, the spirit of giving and family is what my Christmases are and will continue to be.. without Santa.


    Deal ..

  • bisous

    SANTA deserves respect??? What about poor Mrs. Claus??? cleaning up after all those elves, not to mention the damned reindeer!! And let's face it, Nicholas Claus sure as heck ain't no prize!!! off galivanting all over the world ... leaving the Mrs. stuck in the North Pole. Might as well be Siberia ....


  • StinkyPantz
    SANTA deserves respect??? What about poor Mrs. Claus???

    Very, very good point!!

  • hillbilly
    Perhaps something akin to seeing the look on a JW's face when he recieves a publication from the GB and thinks it comes from the desk of the Almighty Himself? After all, it's so magical to have a healthy fantasy life...

    I have been on both sides of this fence (others here have to) and rest assured, Santa and the GB are NOT the same thing.

    Happy memories of a joyful fun time v. spiritual rape? Not even close!

    ~Ho, ho , ho---------Hill

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