What is really strange, is that after 15years my brother has decided to disassociate himself officially. He has written to both my parents and the congregation ( they havent actually received this letter yet!) I know they wont talk to him. He doesnt have any children so they wont be missing any grandchildren.
They will continue to talk to me, because I have made it clear that I will not allow them to treat me as a second class citizen whilst still playing happy families with MY children (I know that may sound cruel!) But shunning is cruel and sickening. And besides what would I tell my children, and what would they TEACH them?
Thats a really good point Bonezz, I hadnt looked at it that way. I guess I would be conforming to their sick little rituals of doing things. To be honest I dont think they need to ask any questions anyway. I think the twinkling lights of my xmas tree says it all!