The JW mindset is firmly entrenched in any pattern the GB chooses. Not only is the same information given over and over again, 5 meetings a week, year after year, but by answering questions prepared for you with the answers given to you and told to put their answers into your own words. No matter how you slice it, it comes out their mindset predetermined for you from your own mouth. That's brainwashing.
Then when that's not enough, we actually brainwashed ourself going out in service repeating the same things over and over expressing these same views (theirs) at every door when someone would listen.(Or to each other when no one was home.) We are told to keep our conversations "spiritual'". Learning to overcome objections before they arise, never really listening to any one else's view because of busying our own mind with Mother's thoughts and how we are going to get them across to the other person. After all, making Mother happy, is making Jehovah happy. We weren't bringing people to Christ, but to Mother.
The Reasoning Book is a perfect example of this, every objection is laid out for us with memorized sermons. If I woke up every day and told myself I was ugly three times a day, day after day, and year after year, I would believe it in a short period of time whether it was true or not. Then take something we don't know to be true but strongly wish it were true, (paradise, never dieing, endless life, playing with the animals, joined with dead loved ones, etc.) wouldn't take us long to convince ourselves it was all true because we want to believe it. And to make sure that happens, the schedual is as outlined above. All our loyalty, submission, devotion, love and admiration is shown to Jehovah by giving it to the Mother organization. I see no difference in that than Mary worship, Holy Mother of the Catholics . Or Hitler's Mother organization, everyone in step!