i need help learning about ths religion.....i have no one else to ask
by needinfo 11 Replies latest jw experiences
You're thread is going to be 16 pages long.
Check out this website:
Happy surfing!
Can you narrow it down to 2 or 3 areas? Shamus is right about it being 16 pages long.
Do you have a significant other that is a JW (Jehovah's Witness)?
A relative?
Hi, Blondie
Check out these two Links
Links to Major Counter JW Sites
Johannes Greber's Home Page -
my whole fam. are jws i was raised in the truth and just starting to learn of all the lies and cover ups i was always taught this is the one TRUE religion but some of the things im learning is just kinda shocking
my whole fam. are jws i was raised in the truth and just starting to learn of all the lies and cover ups i was always taught this is the one TRUE religion but some of the things im learning is just kinda shocking
Here is the Links Forum on this DB.
It takes you to websites that discuss blood, child molesting, doctrinal and historial information about the WTS.
I was also brought up in this religion. I only decided to leave this year, but was unhappy and uncomfortable for mabey 5.
The important thing to remember is, it is not illegal to do non-society research. By that i mean, how can you get an un-biassed opinion of this religion, if all your research is done in the societys publications. You are only going to read what they want you to read. Remember, if you were a catholic, the society would encourage you to look outside your religion, and to evaluate for yourself if the catholic teaching are correct. You would be coached to look to the bible. You would then be given "study aids," namely the watchtower and awake. These would lead you to find the answers they want you to find. Study the books, go to the meetings, and then WHAM, your in! Now they tell you you can't look outside the org for answers and other opinions. You're not allowed have an opinion on a subject that differs from the societys. Does this seem fair and just?
There is much guilt associated with what you are trying to do. This is bred into us, and takes a while to shake. Just do what your heart tells you to do. Don't live a lie, it will eat you up. Take things slowly. If you find that you want to stay a witness, then do it. But there is a point of no return, where you can't go back to normal witness life, and ignore the things you now know. Ask lots of questions, and dont accept every answer to be right.
Doing this does not make you an apostate. The definition for apostate is: "One who has abandoned one's religious faith, a political party, one's principles, or a cause." It is a word loosely used by the society, and it strikes fear into the hearts of every witness. You are not abandoning your faith. Personally i feel that i have strengthened it. My faith is my beliefs, and i follow the bible. The bible is a personal book, and much of it is writen to reach the individuals heart. To learn you beleifs from a publication, and to parrot it over and over again steralises the feeling of being touched by the real "truth". I do not follow the Watchtower and Tract Society of Pennsilvania. I follow my heart.
There are many great witnesses that sincerely believe they are in "the truth". These make up the majority. But they wont understand what you are doing. Cruise along quietly. My wife and i chose to "drift" away. I haven't been to a meeting in 6 months, and no asks for me. They just think that i am slack, and put work first. They can think what they want.
I hope this helps a bit.
AK - Jeff
***Is Your Religion the True One? W68 7/1 page 398***
It is natural that you should desire not to be misled. But how can you avoid it? How can you know for sure that your religion is the true one? It can be done by finding out whether its teachings are supported by God?s Word, which Jesus said is the truth. (John 17:17) Also by determining the kind of fruitage the religion produces. Fine, wholesome fruitage is an indication that the religion is the true one, whereas bad fruitage is an indication that it is false.?Matt. 7:16-23.
So the test is a relatively easy one to make. If a religion is not in accord with what the Bible teaches, then it is not in harmony with truth. It is not the true religion. (Rom. 3:4) You have nothing to fear in examining your beliefs by the standard of God?s Word, for if you have the true religion you can only be reassured. And if what you believe is not in keeping with the Bible, then you should welcome the truth, because it leads to eternal life.?John 17:3.
The above quote from the Watchtower shows the importance of doing what you are doing. Most of the balance of the article is trying to lead the reader away from really doing that - just using leading questions that will lead to the Watchtower society. Most people are just shallow enough to accept that reasoning. Also most witnesses never think that they should 'examine their religion' - just that others should.
Do a deep investigation - do not fear the WTS - let the facts speak for themselves.
I would suggest in addition to the above - read Raymond Franz' books - Crisis or Conscience and/or In Search of Christian Freedom - they have opened the eyes of many that have undertaken an honest evaluation of the organization's claim to being the 'truth' .
Success in your ventures - "The truth will set you free"
Doubtfully Yours
Their official website is www.watchtower.org
However, that's their rose-colored public version. The real truth is far from it.