He called for her "time" and then began asking questions. He wanted to know where my daughter lived, what her married last name was now, how the family was doing, etc. He asked her if she thought my not attending anymore had to do with the fact that I had a business and now I'm "materialistic". My mother answered that for over 20 years, I had a business and was an elder and why would I now be "materialistic"---if I've been a successful businessman all that time. He asked her if she thought it would be wise to try to "help me" by calling on me this month. My mom suggested otherwise, noting how "busy" I am during the month of December. He had said he tried contacting me but couldn't get in touch with me. (Lie).....Anyway, I thought mom did good telling him nothing. We'll just have to wait for the next wave.......
Another Elder Called My Mom To Find Out About Us.....
by minimus 20 Replies latest jw friends
Good for your mom for standing up for you!
Persistant buggers aren't they? Also, what gives them the right to ask people's addresses, etc? They KNOW that ones like your Mom feel more or less obligated to give them answers, or feel intimidated to say the least. AARRRGGGHHH!
When *I* was getting all this "attention" after telling them that after all these months I *wanted* to be left alone to sort out my feelings (and NOT to call me just when the "time" needed to be reported), this tactic of coming to my home and trying to engage me in conversation I didn't want---made me even MORE angry!
THEY really need to work on "timing", huh?
Give your MOM a big ((((hug!)))) She deserves one.
The good thing is she's pissed at how they operate and she's caught the elders in lies regarding her removal as a pioneer. So she's starting to see right thru them.
that's when a PO box comes in handy.
Your mom is awesome!!! Good for her!!! May she continue to see through their crap!
Good answer, minimus' mother!
I never give out anyone's phone number or address without checking with them first (unless they have already given me carte blanche).
What weasels they are probably thinking they are James Bond.
She's actually pleasantly surprising me. She's a very sharp lady. I see where her son gets it from.
You're a good son to your mother. She is smart so she will in time (& that time may be closer than we know) see thru their manipulations, and her maternal instincts are kicking in to protect her son...who has done nothing wrong. I think the elders will prob wind up doing more to drive her away than any material you could present to her.