fallen angels

by largo 13 Replies latest jw experiences

  • largo

    I was really bored when I found this forum. I didn't think it that a community of Witnesses chatted and carried disscussions on the internet. How refreshing I though! I've only read 3 or 5 topics and everyone has broken my heart! So many witnesses and so many shattered wings. It just proves that Satan is working overtime on our already tired souls. It literally makes my heart hurt to hear some of the experiences in this forum. *sigh*

    It makes me remember something that a brother once told me. I had just meet him and I had some problems about my self expression and how it was conflicting with my advancement in the congregation. I wan't to help out but my long hair was prohibiting me from going forward. I was so mad and I felt that I was right and everyone was being anal about the situation. I saw all the more serious flaws of the elders that held me back for such a minor request on my part. Let me keep my hair!!!! Well this brother told me something that really sticked. He said that the organization is mantained my men. Imperfect men. It's not perfect it is a shelter. You can do what you want but if you want to progress, which I did, you need to preserve the peace between the brothers and ask myself , I'm I gonna let things get out of control over dead cells growing out of my head?". NO! I was overwhelmed by the humbleness that this traveling elder and his wife showed me. It touched my heart and made me see why Jehovah and Jesus are so humble. It's a strength to see beyond our selfish wants and limited knowledge. Beyond other brothers and sisters faults and be warmed by the truth behind all the hot heads and see Jehovah's Oraganization. Take a second and put aside all the terrible things that may of happened and think about those that live so peaceful inside the organization. It's not because he or she is well known or knows important people in the organization, it's because something else is working there preserving the peace in an imperfect world and I want to be a part of it. So I finally cut off my hair. I still miss it though. I know it may be a very small problem compared to you guys but I think what I'm trying to say is it helps when you put your opinions aside and become humble. And I sincerly pray for all of you.

    ..::: be free :::..

  • Steve Josef
    Steve Josef

    What is amazing is that you have not seen from behind the veil that the JWs have put over your head. I saw past it. I am so very happy I found this website! Think for yourself, when you do, you will realize that you have been lied to the entire time. And please don't pray to your god for me. A god like yours who is full of vengence, I want nothing to do with.

  • larc


    You seem like a sincere witness, who wishes well for us. As to the matter of imperfections in the Society, there are imperfections in all organizations and groups. I think it is a matter of determining for oneself, how much imperfection is too much to deal with anymore. For myself, I have come to the conclusion that the degree of imperfection is too much for the Society to qualify as having a special blessing from God. Yes, there are good, sincere people in the Organization, but that is true in all organizations. There are a lot more good people in the world than the Society would lead you to believe.

  • largo

    How can you put a limit when Jehovah never does? How many times did the Israelites screw it up and Jehovah gave them another chance? The organization will screw up and you guys are living proof of it. Oh and please no more," think for yourself " lines. I do think for myself but I know my knowledge is limited as everyone else is. Keep thinking because you'll never stop, Jehovah blessed us with an extraordinary mind, which like everything in life, we must moderate. But you guys are smart you know that....

    ..::: be free :::..

  • larc


    Who was Jehovah's organization from the time of the Babylonian captivity until Christ's appearance. Who was his organization from 200 AD until 1879? It seems to me that there large periods of time where people were pretty much on their own to develope a relationship with God. Now, you believe that the JWs are God's organization because they told you so. It ain't necessarily so.

  • Steve Josef
    Steve Josef

    It is horribly sad to see one so incredibly devoted to an empty religion. All of their promises have yet to be unfulfilled. Every year that was fortold as the end of this world, were wrong. Everything that was taught at our Sunday meetings, were wrong. All their preachings and doctrines that I was force-fed as a young child were wrong. I only hope that you see one day. The bible is a book of stories. That is all. The bible, the Koran, and others are all same. the watchtower, though, is not worth the paper it is printed on.

  • largo

    hmm interesting larc, well the babylonians had Jehovah's people in captivity, remember Daniel? and then there was a period when nothing happened this is true. i believe that daniel saw a vision clearly about a preacher who died and then was resurected. i go to a spanish congregation so pardon me if my explanations are terrible. but i m sure that you must know of the prophecy i speak of. and steve i'm very sorry about how you must of been treated. you must of been through alot to feel so much hate.

    ..::: be free :::..

  • spinner

    Largo! so glad to hear from one person who truly needs to read my,
    "Would you believe me if I told you?" Do you drink orange juice?

  • largo

    if that really happened why are you wasting your time on this hilarious board, instead of going to the police or tv. please you think i was born yesterday? go have some more minute made.

    ..::: be free :::..

  • spinner

    Largo, You say, "If that really happened, why don't you...." Believe me, I've done it all. Do you have any idea how powerful the Society is? They can and will buy off anybody to destroy someone who can prove they DO NOT HAVE THE TRUTH. When I was going to meetings,
    I would never have believed a story like the one I told here. I also
    never believed a person could get df'ed for doing nothing. I don't blame you for your disbelief.You want to check me out? Look at the big brown Bible, on page 23,(revised 1984) Gen 7:11--It says in the foot note the " second month " corresponding to the latter half of October and first half of November. This calendar they are referring you to was called the Ancient Hebrew Calender, which the Society now has, but refuses to use. They use the one the Babylonians gave the Israelites upon their release from captivity. This month is called Tammuz. This is the month the ancient Jews weeped for the god Tammuz. The Bible says NOT TO FOLLOW PAGAN GODS, and You and all the Society use this pagan calendar to ascertain the day of the most important day in the lives of Jehovah's Witnesses, the Memorial of Jesus. YOU ARE FOLLOWING TAMMUZ!!! as the day YOU KEEP is completely wrong!!!You are in Babylon the Great. As long as the WTS uses this calendar they are in Babylon. I found this calendar 7 years ago, and the WTS doesn't want anyone to have it, because I found it, and THEY DIDN'T. Why don't you write and ask why they don't use it? I will give you a copy upon your request, as they will not give you one. It's the only truly perpetual calendar in the history of man on the earth, and the most accurate. This calendar I gave to them last year, before the memorial.

    Have you heard the expression," The Society has never lost a court case?" When you have an org. as large as the WTS, full of imperfect
    humans, it is natural for mistakes to be made. So why have they
    never lost a case? In my case, they got a court order, I learned this
    from a CEO of my telephone company, to tap my phone. They knew every
    attorney I contacted, and went to them and "told them why they should
    not rep. me. Sometimes the recording divice was so loud I couldn't use the phone. If they are always in the right, why go to such lengths? And they had to have LIED to get the court order. I have
    NEVER gone against the law in my life, and I have never hurt anyone in
    my life. I am a 53 year old grama with MS--

    By the way, when I was a witness, I NEVER talked to df'ed ones. Why
    do you? My guess is that you have doubts, or you just aren't a good
    brother. spinner

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