I was really bored when I found this forum. I didn't think it that a community of Witnesses chatted and carried disscussions on the internet. How refreshing I though! I've only read 3 or 5 topics and everyone has broken my heart! So many witnesses and so many shattered wings. It just proves that Satan is working overtime on our already tired souls. It literally makes my heart hurt to hear some of the experiences in this forum. *sigh*
It makes me remember something that a brother once told me. I had just meet him and I had some problems about my self expression and how it was conflicting with my advancement in the congregation. I wan't to help out but my long hair was prohibiting me from going forward. I was so mad and I felt that I was right and everyone was being anal about the situation. I saw all the more serious flaws of the elders that held me back for such a minor request on my part. Let me keep my hair!!!! Well this brother told me something that really sticked. He said that the organization is mantained my men. Imperfect men. It's not perfect it is a shelter. You can do what you want but if you want to progress, which I did, you need to preserve the peace between the brothers and ask myself , I'm I gonna let things get out of control over dead cells growing out of my head?". NO! I was overwhelmed by the humbleness that this traveling elder and his wife showed me. It touched my heart and made me see why Jehovah and Jesus are so humble. It's a strength to see beyond our selfish wants and limited knowledge. Beyond other brothers and sisters faults and be warmed by the truth behind all the hot heads and see Jehovah's Oraganization. Take a second and put aside all the terrible things that may of happened and think about those that live so peaceful inside the organization. It's not because he or she is well known or knows important people in the organization, it's because something else is working there preserving the peace in an imperfect world and I want to be a part of it. So I finally cut off my hair. I still miss it though. I know it may be a very small problem compared to you guys but I think what I'm trying to say is it helps when you put your opinions aside and become humble. And I sincerly pray for all of you.
..::: be free :::..