I have been gone - an update if you care

by jwbot 27 Replies latest jw friends

  • JH

    Congratulations on losing that much weight. Even losing 10 pounds must be hard.

    Keep up the good work. You'll look even better and be healthier as well.

  • Preston

    avishai's right...you are nice lookin'

    Didn't know you were upset with your weight, congrats!

  • StinkyPantz
    avishai's right...you are nice lookin'

    Yeah.. I have a huge crush on jwbot.. <sigh> ..

  • Valis

    hi jwbot! glad to hear you are in good health and good spirits! Good work on the school too! You might want to try www.fastweb.com for some scholarship opportunities. Every little bit helps I know.


    District Overbeer

  • jwbot

    Thanks everyone for the warm hello's. franklin said: I work out everyday and I have never felt better. The body craves the excercise and once you get used to the "high" it gives you ; things will never be the same! I just want to mention that I am definitely at that point...its like brushing my teeth, if I forget, I feel weird. I love it. My other sister who is a size 6 did it the healthy way...she has a bigger frame than me, so I think 6 or under would actually be fine for me health-wise. What I am at now, is on the larger side of the healthy BMI range but I do not put too much stock into BMI. I think I might buy one of those pincher thingies and find out what my body fat percentage is and go from there. Anyway, I am in my students union right now. Lunch time :)

  • Billygoat


    Of course we care!!! I've been wondering where you've been lately! I have some pics I was gonna post I thought you might like. I'm really glad you're doing well. Sometimes getting ourselves healthier physically makes us better mentally and spiritually as well. If we don't take care of ourselves, who will? I'll echo some of the others here...be careful with dieting too much. I'm a recovering bulimic, so I'm a little oversensitive to hearing about sizes and weight myself. Personally, I'm glad you're back. Don't be such a stranger. ;-)


  • jwbot

    I admit, I have been obsessive about my weight but I am definitely eating, and doing well for my body. I will post some before and after pics, they are quite dramatic!

  • Odrade

    Whoohoo! Hiya girl! Congrats on the weightloss, it sounds like the other stuff (LIFE-haha) is going well too... glad to hear it.

  • confusedjw
    Well I have lost 30 lbs

    Well I've found it and I'm pissed off about it. Where do I get one of those e ucalyptus machines?

  • HappyDad


    The "old man" cares too! I'm sooooooooooo happy for you. Keep up your studies and the great attitude. And win your sister over with your love.

    Have a "fatherly" hug and smooch from HappyDad

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