Would you believe me if I told you?

by spinner 19 Replies latest jw experiences

  • spinner

    I grew up with parents who hated JW's. My grandmother was a secret
    witness,no one ever knew. She taught me to love Jehovah. I never regretted that. But when I became an adult, I got MS, and died in
    1992,Dec., and was revived. During that time, I was bed-ridden for 9 months, almost completely unable to walk, I had lost 90% of my vision, and was just bones. So, as I improved, I used the time to
    seriously study medicine, and Hebrew and Greek. I had lots of time!
    My husband cared for me 24 hours a day, and I was lots of work. I owe
    him my life.
    Well, I, like a good JW, gave my research to the Society. I found out oranges, and orange juice encourage bacterial infection. Also, I found out why the human body craves smoking. and the natural cure. I gave the info to a JW naturepath in Texas, who said it was very important research and to put everything down in writing and send it to the chief of staff in the infirmary in Wallkill, NY. I
    sent the letter, with all the medical references, and when I received a letter, several months later from the "Brothers" in NY asking for more info. my husband bought a 31 ft 5th wheel trailer and we went to New York as I had said in my original letter to the Wallkill Doctor, that further research could only be given in person.
    My husband was being very generous, as he was never a JW, and we had to travel from our home in Montana, all in all, a large expense for him.
    Would you believe, we got to the headquarters, and they said no
    letter could be found from me and no letter could be found from the society inviting me to give more info? They kept us in a room all day until 5 PM, (we only left for lunch) and then they said that if
    we did not leave immediately, they would call the police and have us
    arrested for trespassing!! My husband and I were totally shocked.
    We thought there was some mistake, and waited for a week and called every day to see if the error had been corrected.
    After that treatment, I knew no one wanted my research, and so I
    stopped going to meetings. After 1 1/2 years, I got a call and the
    local brothers said if I didn't come down to the kh immediately, they
    were going to take committee action against me. I was told later I
    was disfellowshipped and called an apostate from the platform. To make a very long story short, I found out the brothers at my local KH have access to my private phone calls, and are involved in the fraud
    ulent taking of my husband in a guardianship. We are being divorced
    against our will, and everything we have is being taken.
    These people are causing the death of my husband from medical neglect. My house has been broken into, I have been repeatedly threatened. I am listed in the courthouse as attempting to murder
    two people. I nearly starved to death the first year my husband was
    taken, as all our money was removed from our bank, and all our stocks were cashed. My husband's retirement money goes directly to the so-
    called guardian. I can't work.

    What happened to my intention of helping the brothers?

    I believe the doctor is a false brother. He must want to steal my research for himself and thinks he can do so when I am completely
    homeless, and discredited as an abuser of my husband, and an attempted murderer.

    But I have research he doesn't have. I have been giving it to
    everyone I can think of. I also wrote the GB and told them the story this doctor must not want them to know. After almost 2 weeks, I've
    heard nothing. By the way, I called three weeks ago, and the Bethel family still has orange juice at breakfast!!

    Thankyou for listening. I believe only God himself can help us

  • outnfree


    So, if I'm understanding you correctly, some people have been appointed your husband's law guardians even though you are the closest relative and you are the one who is sick with multiple sclerosis?

    If I may, what were the reasons given (true or untrue) for the request for guardianship and the granting of it?

    How is it that you have been accused of murder? Some type of neglect due to your husband's needing care and you unable to provide it due to your own illness?

    I am astounded at the long trip cross-country and that you didn't have the letter from the Society with you to shove under the brother's nose when they said they had no record and asked you and your husband to leave the premises immediately!

    I have to go now, but I would sure have to know more about the situation before I could commit to calling any of the people you listed.



    Ever stop to think, and forget to start again?

  • spinner

    This is Spinner again---I know this is all very hard to believe, so I am giving you a small part of the research I gave the Society :

    IMMUNODEPRESSION: Study on carbohydrates shows 100 grams of
    orange juice significantly decreased the capacity of neutrophils to
    engulf bacteria. After 5 hours, the control values were still below
    normal. Hospital librarys contain the research data you can request:
    Study on carbohydrates: Sanchez A et al. Role of sugars in human neutropilic phagocytosis. Am. J. Clin. 26:180, 1973 also: Cheraskin
    E. Sucrose, neutrophilic phagocytosis and resistance to disease. Dental Survey 52(12):46-48,1976

    SMOKING CAUSE AND CURE: Hyperestrogenism can be experienced by both men and women, and symptoms are anxiety, irritability and nervous tension, etc., Ingested animal fats are synthesized by anaerobic bacterial flora producing female hormones in the cancer causing form, estrone, estradiol and 17 methoxyestradiol. Smoking, exercise, and
    vitamin B6 all lower endogenous estrogen levels and decrease risk for
    cancer. Research of GE Abraham, Premenstrual tension syndromes;A Nut-
    tional approach. Anabolism 5(2):5-6,1986. Also, Cramer DW et al. JAMA April 11, 1986. also, Follingstad AH. Commentary: Estriol, the forgotten estrogen? JAMA239(1):29-30, 1978; Cole P., MacMahon B. Estrogen fractions during early reproductive life in the aetiology of best cancer. Lancet 1:604-6,1969 and more upon request.

    Research suggests the removal of caffeine, sugar and reduce salt, and
    reduce or eliminate dairy, and calcium. Also, animal protein ingestion produces 50% more hormones in the bloodstream, most likely because of the fat.If you think you need meat, boiling the trimmed, lean-type meat might have tolerable amounts of fat.The use of olive oil(studies show inactivates bacteria) instead of butter or margarine goes along with this. Digestive enzymes should be taken with every meal , or use Adolf's meat tenderizer (protein enzymes) on cooled meat. And Abraham suggests B6 500 mg. sustained release form daily will decrease symptoms. RBC magnesium was found to be significantly lower than normals, 400mg.daily ( eat whole grains, high in mag ) suggested by Abraham GE, Lubran MD. Serum and red cell Mag. levels in patients with premenstrual tension. Am, J. Clin Nutr. 34:1264-66,1981 (studies also show water with chlorine kills enzymes-so avoid drinking. You might have to boil water if spring water not available
    or bottled).Exercise moderately, frequently!! Good Health to You!!

    To withhold this info (not only promotes illness )but someone is choosing who can be in good standing by not telling them research is available to easily quit smoking. They are playing GOD. Spinner

  • spinner

    outnfree, thankyou so much for your reply,
    1. Your first question was "what were the reasons given for the request for the guardianship, and the ganting of it?"
    I had placed my husband in a hospital for an overnight stay, and
    he was to go to a specialists in Wash. St. the next week for a completely curable illness. I got a phonecall the next morning when I was to pick up my husband, and a social worker said,"I have your husband and am putting him in a mental hospital."NO REASON. They immediately went to the court and petitioned for guardianship saying there was a medical emergency, that Tom resided in a mental hospital and had no one to care for him. They said there were attachments to the petition -- doctors statements, who documentd my husband's incapacity. No doctors statements have ever been found 2 1/2 years
    later. They did not serve their guardianshop petition on any family
    member, and the doc. says no family qualifies to be notified. Why did
    they call me, if I was not family? Also, they PUT HIM into the mental hospital,and they knew he was married and lived with me(now 18 yrs).
    No charges were filed against me, and Tom did not even know he
    was in a guardianship, as he was never allowed to speak in court.They
    immediately removed all our money from our banks, and sold our stocks, and forced Tom to sign numerous documents he was not allowed to read. I went to over 50 attorneys and I heard all the same thing, If I represented you I would loose my business, and have to move. One attorney said, These people use mafia-like third world tactics.
    No one seemed to know who "THESE PEOPLE"were.Also some were told I was a "woman of ill repute".

    2.Your second question was, "How was it I was accused of attempted murder?" The police and the social workers were in my yard constantly, and tried to frighten me and starve me so I would leave. I only got $600 to live on for the entire 1st year, and they thought I would leave and go to my family and they would take our completely paid-for farm (It is hightly suspected my husband was forced to sign an abandment property doc.) When I refused to leave, they put
    in a court doc. I tried to poison my husband with B-6. Interesting
    that my research was on B6 that I had given the Society. They also said one of my family members said I tried to kill someone else. No formal charges were ever levied upon me after 2 1/2 years ( as they are unprovable) Also, the charges of B6 poisoning are medically impossible. They removed the charges just this past week, as I believe they are starting to fear trouble from someone I asked for
    help from.I asked an attorney for help one year after the guardianship was granted, and he snooped for me, and I have a doc. he
    gave me that says there was NO FILE anywhere. It was all fraud.
    I went to get my husband, who had been placed into a nursing home, and I was arrested. I told everyone it was a false arrest as no restraining order could be found, and no guardianship papers
    either. I was still arrested. I waited three hours and they put together a restraining order I was told later it was just barely
    enforcable. I asked another attorney to read my documents, after they put together a file, and he said "Your husband was taken, and the guardianship is on you."( No attorney would see after the first

    3.You also say you are astounded at our long trip cross country and that I didn't have the letter from the Society with me.I had complete trust in the Brothers in New York. There was no reason to think I would have to "shove the letter under their noses" as you put it. 'Also, my husband and I are retired,and the trip seemed like a fun thing to do for both of us as I had been sick for several years,
    and we both had cabin fever. I also had never been to New York. Hope this helps answer your questions. Spin

  • waiting

    Hello Spinner,

    I'm so sorry about all the problems that have been met by you and your husband. Is he still in a hospital?

    How's your health? You live on a farm in Montana? Beautiful, rugged, country from what I've been told. I'm sure you've talked with everybody you can think of - your above posts say so.

    Just off the wall, have you tried to talk with a news show or a talk show -anyone who can give your plight publicity? I really don't have a clue as a suggestion. Sorry about my non-help.

    However, please stay around here? There are others here who have scientific backgrounds who can converse on that level. Others with knowledge about government, etc.

    Others can say "howdy."

    Howdy, Spinner. Glad to have you here. Welcome to our forum.


  • WhyNow2000

    <<I found out the brothers at my local KH have access to my private phone calls, and are involved in the fraud
    ulent taking of my husband in a guardianship. We are being divorced
    against our will, and everything we have is being taken.
    These people are causing the death of my husband from medical neglect. My house has been broken into, I have been repeatedly threatened. I am listed in the courthouse as attempting to murder
    two people. >>

    How come you didn't turn the findings (access to your private phone call) to police and better yet hire a lawyer?

    You say fraud....turn that evidence to police and better yet hire a lawyer.

    <repeatedly threatened> By what means?

    <Attempting to murder 2 people> Did you? If not how did they come to that conclusion?

    <death of my husband from medical neglect> Who is doing this? The JWs? If so call the police/social workers and better yet hire a lawyer.

    So to your question "would u beleive me if I told you?" - NO .NEED MORE PROOF.

  • spinner

    Dear Waiting, I really appreciate your kind reply. My husband has been heavily drugged now for 2 years and 7 months. He is dying of med-ical neglect. And, yes, I have tried everything. I went to over 50 attorneys,and they were told lies, or threatned. I went to the two tv stations, and they neither responded.My story is really unbelievable. I got ahold of the militia here, and they tried to help me. They said, If any one threatens you, call, and we will see that you get help immediately.I also was on the militia-run radio to tell my story. The radio got a $17,000 fine for not letting an inspector come into his studio,(fraud) and has quit. The man who said he'd see that I had help, was framed, and now faces a jail sentence. The militia attorney lost his license to practice law as of the 14th of July on a trumped-up charge. Yes, everywhere I turn, I cause something. I am better off if I quit asking for help. I asked the management here to remove my post. I am tired of the hurt spreading to others. thanks

    Dear whynow2000, thankyou for your questions. The sheriff broke into my house on March 22, 1999, and handcuffed me for one hour while 2 social workers went through my house. They took my rings, and my medical file, and looked for the truck registration, and anything they could sell.NO I can't call the police.When they left, my left wrist was bleeding, and there was three inches of bruise the next day. The next door neighbor boys have broken into my house repeatedly, and have stolen anything of value, and damaged my water system(trying to get me to leave in the middle of winter) . And you know what? I can offer no proof, except my files in the court, which should be public documents, but aren't .
    All I know, is that I have given my research to numerous people, and
    if any of it becomes public knowledge, they might give up. My calendar was given to the Prime Minister of Israel. It is the original Hebrew CalendarGod gave to Moses. The one they use is from Babylon, which they took with them after the release from captivity. This past month is Tammuz, a pagan Babyonian'a god's name. The social worker told someone I know that he took my husband bacause of the calendar.
    I am not very well right now. I nearly starved to death the first year my husband was taken, and I still have not fully recovered. I will write more later, and will tell you how I found out my phone was being tapped(a pioneer sister, my best friend, told me).Thanks

    Well, it's me again. I need to bring more clarity to the murder charges. First of all, I was married previously for 17 years to a "Brother" who cheated on me for 14 of those years. I tried to kill myself twice after I learned, and came very close once. Because these people have free reign in the courthouse, they could have said anything, but they based the "murder" on actual substance. That tells me brothers are trying not to lie.

    You asked me if it is the JW org. I believe it is. I gave my research to the Doctor in Wallkill who gives the medical data in the
    mag.And he did not give the life-saving research. He thought I was just a country bumpkin-- I raise sheep here in the Rocky mountains-- and so he could withhold,and then claim the research for himself. I think he got to thinking that if I told the GB, he would be df'ed and loose he life-long pay, house, position-a lot to loose. So he made up a huge story about me, and got the cooperation of the org.( This is the only thing I can figure out.) I was told by one attorney who was sympathetic, that a friend of his, a hospital employee here told him the "hospital started it". I asked my self, what connection do I have with the hospital? none. previously I had called a dear friend in 1997 (the pioneer) and excitedly told her about my calendar and other things, she excitedly listened (even tho I was df'ed) She went to the meeting the next Tuesday, and called afterward,and said, " I have never seen the Brothers so mad, and they said that if I ever talk to you on the phone again I will be immediately disfellow-shipped." So, they indicated that not only had they been listening on my phone, they were going to continue to listen. Later when I heard about the hospital starting this against my family, I remembered the odity of the phone business, and realized the connection was the doctor in Wallkill. He only had to convince the local hospital that I was a threat. That wasn't hard.

    I studied how the body naturally worked, and then compared that to the dietary laws in the Bible. The qualities of the tree of life, seemed simple. I went to the tropics in 1994, stayed 2 months and did research. I brought back some leaves of what I thought to be that tree. I gave them to my Dad in the state of Wash. He was told he had maybe 6 months to live because of emphysema, and he had asthma since childhood.He was on two machines,and had bursitis, and his left set of toes were black. He could walk with great pain. I gave him one leaf each day I was there. On day 5 I left to go home to Montana. On day 7 he called me, very emotional, and said, I have NOTHING wrong at all!!! He said he had just went down and had gotten his drivers license. After three more weeks,he called me and said he had a full time job. Well, as my phone was being listened to, it was no secret. My parents were threatened. My dad is now dead. He was living proof of my research. He could not live. I set him up without knowing it.

    So after examining the whole reason for the Wallkill "Brother's" reason to destroy me, and the fact that he most likely told the md's here that I was going to put them out of business based on the medical files of my dad, it all fits. That's why I'm on this forum. I need to get my research out.Everything helps. I think that when there's national attention on my calendar, it will be an important
    step in stopping this. You see, in the Mosaic Laws, it states if you will keep all my laws , all your undertakings will be blessed. The calendar is the basis of the Mosaic laws. Without it, the most important law is unknown, the true Sabbath. It contains the original in the position in relation to the orbit of the earth around the sun, unchanged. If Israel accepts publicly, the stories of my defamation will hurt badly. Thank you greatly for your interest.
    May Jehovah bless all your concerns, Gloria

  • WhyNow2000

    <<It is the original Hebrew CalendarGod gave to Moses>>

    You need serious help or you could be a write. I have no time to play your game. Too many holes in your story. Enjoy the rest of your mystery.

  • WhyNow2000

    Post your story in the main discussion board and I guarantee you it will be torn apart for what it is - a story.

  • spinner

    WhyNow2000 You are a person who needs some proof. Hope you are
    good at math. You can put together the calendar yourself. Look at John 11:9, where it says, there are twelve hours of daylight, then
    in the night they went to the home of Lazarus,(as they were afraid of being killed in the daylight) where he said in John 12:1, that they arrived six days before the Passover. This tells us exactly where the Passover was during the year. You put this information together along with the information of when the Day of Atonement was, and you have the only perpetual calandar that has ever been on the earth in the history of man.
    The first day happens to be the first day of mans existance on the earth, day 6, the 12 hours of daylight, is the autumnal equinox. It works out that the 8th day of the first month is always the equinox, at sunset the Sabbath. It has 365 days, and
    is solar, based on the orbit of the earth around the sun. The last
    day of month 12 is a day 6, and together with the 1st day of the 1st month,day6, make a 48 hour period, which reflects the day the sun stood over Gibeon for Joshua. The Day of Atonement is always in 7th month, and is always on a Sabbath
    The Sabbath is on the Gregorian Calendar (modern) for the year 2001 Friday at Sunset. Each year it is on the autumnal day at sunset, which changes each year ( September). Last year, it was on Thursday,sunset. I would be delighted to e-mail you a small 2page copy of this calendar. I know this all is quite unbelievable, that's why
    I have hesitated to give the info. An intelligent person would question this. My e-mail is [email protected] Gloria

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