I grew up with parents who hated JW's. My grandmother was a secret
witness,no one ever knew. She taught me to love Jehovah. I never regretted that. But when I became an adult, I got MS, and died in
1992,Dec., and was revived. During that time, I was bed-ridden for 9 months, almost completely unable to walk, I had lost 90% of my vision, and was just bones. So, as I improved, I used the time to
seriously study medicine, and Hebrew and Greek. I had lots of time!
My husband cared for me 24 hours a day, and I was lots of work. I owe
him my life.
Well, I, like a good JW, gave my research to the Society. I found out oranges, and orange juice encourage bacterial infection. Also, I found out why the human body craves smoking. and the natural cure. I gave the info to a JW naturepath in Texas, who said it was very important research and to put everything down in writing and send it to the chief of staff in the infirmary in Wallkill, NY. I
sent the letter, with all the medical references, and when I received a letter, several months later from the "Brothers" in NY asking for more info. my husband bought a 31 ft 5th wheel trailer and we went to New York as I had said in my original letter to the Wallkill Doctor, that further research could only be given in person.
My husband was being very generous, as he was never a JW, and we had to travel from our home in Montana, all in all, a large expense for him.
Would you believe, we got to the headquarters, and they said no
letter could be found from me and no letter could be found from the society inviting me to give more info? They kept us in a room all day until 5 PM, (we only left for lunch) and then they said that if
we did not leave immediately, they would call the police and have us
arrested for trespassing!! My husband and I were totally shocked.
We thought there was some mistake, and waited for a week and called every day to see if the error had been corrected.
After that treatment, I knew no one wanted my research, and so I
stopped going to meetings. After 1 1/2 years, I got a call and the
local brothers said if I didn't come down to the kh immediately, they
were going to take committee action against me. I was told later I
was disfellowshipped and called an apostate from the platform. To make a very long story short, I found out the brothers at my local KH have access to my private phone calls, and are involved in the fraud
ulent taking of my husband in a guardianship. We are being divorced
against our will, and everything we have is being taken.
These people are causing the death of my husband from medical neglect. My house has been broken into, I have been repeatedly threatened. I am listed in the courthouse as attempting to murder
two people. I nearly starved to death the first year my husband was
taken, as all our money was removed from our bank, and all our stocks were cashed. My husband's retirement money goes directly to the so-
called guardian. I can't work.
What happened to my intention of helping the brothers?
I believe the doctor is a false brother. He must want to steal my research for himself and thinks he can do so when I am completely
homeless, and discredited as an abuser of my husband, and an attempted murderer.
But I have research he doesn't have. I have been giving it to
everyone I can think of. I also wrote the GB and told them the story this doctor must not want them to know. After almost 2 weeks, I've
heard nothing. By the way, I called three weeks ago, and the Bethel family still has orange juice at breakfast!!
Thankyou for listening. I believe only God himself can help us