What happens when 144K all die?

by M.J. 21 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • JustTickledPink

    The thing is, all you have to do is have a "vision" of some sort of some "feeling" that you have been anointed. There is no clear cut way to know or for anyone else to know. They just always said "if you are of the anointed YOU KNOW" and so if you questioned it, you obviously weren't of the anointed.

    And I keep wondering how long they all will last too... I mean what's going on here? And once they die off and the anointed Governing Body die off, then what??? My mom is 61 yoa, I would love for her to live another 20 years and face the truth that it ain't happening.

  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff

    This was a keypoint in which my personal doubts began about 4 or 5 yrs back - I did a very detailed study using the Berkley Mortality Tables to extract a number that would be close to the way the decline should happen - I started with the 'partakers' numbers in 1941, and did an empirical decline based on age, gender, and actual mortalities in that group - of course since I did not know the precise makeup of the group in 1941, I had to assign that based on typical community age, size percentages for that year and apply it to the organization - then do the age reduction year by year - group by group -

    Bottom line -although I am not a statistical scientist - was that the best scenario for the year 2004 would be about 1200 survivors. I repeated the numbers about three times using slight variables - still never got any thing better than 1200 or so for the year 2004. Someone was wrong here - things started to smell funny in Brooklyn to me.

    This took a long time - but I was trying to understand what I percieved a fundamental flaw in the matter - if one looks at the partakers number starting in about 1990 - there has been little change. This during the period that should mark the 'greatest decline'. But it did not - it showed the greatest resitance to falling of any time period since 1941-

    From there I went to the matter of 607- investigative direction took me to Penton, Franz, Jonsson. By then I was fully convinces of the great fraud!

    As they say 'the rest was history' and here I am - among these happy apostates.


  • Evesapple

    I never believed in the 144K.....even growing up, there were too many unanswered questions regarding the number and why it was a number in Revelation taken literal rather than symbolic.....no one had clear answers about it.....it was one of those things most could not explain, just accept....

  • JustTickledPink

    anyone ever think that by the time John wrote Revelation he was s chizophrenic , senile, and basically just writing all kinds of crazy chit? I mean seriously if some aging man was imprisoned today and wrote "Revelation" he would be dismissed as having lost his mind.

  • Nosferatu
    "Unless those days were cut short, no flesh would be saved; but on account of the chosen ones those days will be cut short." (Matthew 24:21, 22) Evidently, then, some of Christ?s "chosen ones" will still be on earth when the great tribulation begins.

    They'll probably change the meaning of this eventually. Here's what they'll say:

    It appears that when Jesus mentioned "the chosen ones", he was referring to the true christians of today. These people are clearly identified as Jehovah's christian Witnesses!

    I always loved that explanation mark they used when they were promoting themselves.

  • Pole


    You should like these quotes then:

    w01 1/15 p. 16 Overseers and Ministerial Servants Theocratically Appointed ***

    How grateful we are for Jehovah?s direction by means of his Word and holy spirit!

    *** w01 1/15 p. 19 Keep in Step With Jehovah?s Organization ***

    How grateful we are that our path ?is like the bright light that is getting lighter and lighter?!

    *** w01 5/1 p. 28 Pressing On in Jehovah?s Way Is Our Strength and Joy ***
    How grateful we were that Jehovah had shown us the way during that difficult time!


  • Nosferatu

    How greatful we are that we quit falling for those stupid exclamation marks!

    LOL! Those were great! I've seen them so many times in sentences like these and it really used to irritate me. Now it's just funny!

  • RunningMan
    Bottom line -although I am not a statistical scientist - was that the best scenario for the year 2004 would be about 1200 survivors. I repeated the numbers about three times using slight variables - still never got any thing better than 1200 or so for the year 2004.

    Same here. Every year, I do an actuarial report, like this one: http://www.jehovahs-witness.com/6/40577/1.ashx

    The bottom line is that either the anointed are: a) the most spectacularly unfaithful group in history, b) over 98% fakes, or c) immortal.

  • M.J.
    Bottom line -although I am not a statistical scientist - was that the best scenario for the year 2004 would be about 1200 survivors. I repeated the numbers about three times using slight variables - still never got any thing better than 1200 or so for the year 2004. Someone was wrong here - things started to smell funny in Brooklyn to me.

    Bingo! Thanks for sharing that. I hope one day you could post your research on this. As the years pass it gets worse for the WTS. Pretty soon the WTS might stop releasing the # of partakers in their report.

    Edited to add: Thanks Running Man for providing that link. Great thread.

  • observador

    Well, they don't ALL die... they were supposed to, but this is not happening.

    Have you seen this thread? http://www.jehovahs-witness.com/12/81553/2.ashx

    There was an increase in the number of partakers... Go figure that one!


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