So what? As the poster from Mexico said, we have held meetings and assemblies in all sorts of places. One congo in my childhood rented a room in a Public House (Bar to Americans). I can remember that for one Circuit Assembly as a child we attended at a place that was also used as an Army Drill Hall.. There was a blooming great field gun parked at the back. As I understood, the Stanley theatre was renovated and had to be kept in the original style because the local aurthorities made it a condition of sale . Perhaps some bits of decor could, with hindsight, be criticised . But that is hardly earth shattering. The WT has for years advised not to poke-the-finger at fellow witnesses who have things on the wall that you may not chose, so I guess this would add to that argument. I like to point out the real shortcomings of that organisation, but I think we are clutching at straws here
How would you answer this?
by NewLight2 27 Replies latest jw friends
Sounds like you are making a mountain out of a molehill. Charles Taze Russell was not a Mason. This has been hashed and rehashed on this forum numerous times. Just do a search. Neither are today's JWs Masons. Jws did not put the symbols on the theater even if they make use of it. If you want to criticize JWs please get something substantial and quit parroting David Icke's Illuminati propaganda.
Hello undercover, As far as the mural I don't know for sure, have not been in the building, just seen the pictures on newlight's site and could not resist answering. New York has some Unreal laws concerning refurbishing old buildings which is probably why if the symbols are there is because of local laws.
ON that one brummie, I have personally not seen any symbols on any of the watchtowers or any other publications put out by the witnesses I have however seen them on other religions publications. Seen the gideons bible lately? and the catholics still pray to symbol of the virgin mary and christ for that matter. But no one bothers to see this, but because you have a group of people that study the bible more closely than most and may not agree with your thinking they are basically called heritics or lunitics, and blasphemers. just one man's opinion no offense intended.
You are correct, I am not a witness but, I have been affiliated with them since I was 5 I am now 43, I will admit that there are flaws in the religion, but being a destuctive cult? far from it. Their are just as many flaws in any religion you pick, Take yours for example, would your religion stand up to this kind of scrutiny? Would any religion for that matter? look fowars t your comments
By the way newlight you still have not answered my questions you passed the buck to your peers who for the most part do not readily agree. I am still waiting on your answer. Eagle
"Now let me ask you something, are you upset because members of
your family joined up with the witnesses? If so why? was this country built on the belief of freedom of religion, or was it just your religion that needs to be free?"
I have no family that are JW's, but I do see the destructive nature of "high control groups" of which the Watchtower Society and Jehovah's Witnesses are. I believe in freedom of religion, but one cannot be "free" and a JW at the same time. This group destroys lives and splits families. I hope the following URLs will answer your questions regarding this matter.
Please read the experiences of those who post here that have been involved with the JW's and have left this "high control group". You will find many such stories within the following forums here at JWD:
Child Abuse - Child Molestation & Abuse Issues (silentlambs)
Blood, Medical Treatment & Depression
Scandals & Coverups
Personal Experiences & Reunions
"I have personally not seen any symbols on any of the watchtowers or any other publications put out by the witnesses I have however seen them on other religions publications."
The "Winged Solar Disk" appeared on older copies of C T Russell's 'Studies in the Scriptures' series. You can view one book in the series, 'The Divine Plan of the Ages', at this URL:
Here is an early Watchtower Cover with the cross and crown (Masonic) symbol
See Also:
For more information on the Pagan Roots of Jehovah's Witnesses:
Russell's Burial Site and Pyramid
Was C.T. Russell a Mason? -
A Frenchman on this board did far more accurate and thorough research on Russell's alleged membership in Freemasonry than the articles you cite. You might want to check those out. Remember that his English is not the best, but he gets his message across.
You will be on much more solid ground by centering your points on pedophilia in the ranks of JWs, the Watchtower/NGO/United Nations debacle, failed Watchtower predictions, etc.
Not to sound pissy, (I respect your viewpoint) but you're going to be crowbait at armageddon, plain and simple.
How do you defend 'the organization' when it itself is saying that you are going to die at armageddon?
Just curious. Again, I respect your viewpoint.
Thanks Kenneson. I'll check out those urls.
shamus, I do not defend 'the organization'. Are you aware that there is/was another poster who used the screenname "newlight"? My screen name is "NewLight2".
"newlight" and "NewLight2" are not the same posters.