I am so glad that I found this site. I have been reading these posts and they have made me feel so much better. My family was "In the truth" when I was little, and I feel like I really had a messed up child hood. I have had so much guilt over holidays all my life that I've been in and out of JW congregations. I'm tired of it, tired of waiting for the end of the world and, just want to learn how to live like a normal person. I never got baptised, thankfully, so that wont be a problem. but I have a really good friend in the congregation. She has had to avoid her own children because of holidays and it makes me so sad. Thanks to this site and others, I am discovering a sense of freedom from the terrible guilt, but part of the guilt always remains no matter what. Hopefully in time, that can heal.
Hi I'm new here
by embeth2525 39 Replies latest jw friends
Welcome embeth...take your time a look around. The more you find out and understand, the more the guilt will fade.
Welcome Embeth!
We 're glad you found us too! I've been out since '99 after almost 30 years in the WTS, and the guilt DOES go away, believe me! In MY case-I filled that loss with anger and contempt, which I'm still working on as yet.
Feel free to post anytime.....
Doubtfully Yours
This website is very empowering and theraputic to say the least. You'll enjoy it here.
Welcome, embeth!
Implanted guilt is one of the most terrible aspects of high-control groups. I hope you find the information and experiences on this site helpful in working through the emotions.
Welcome Embeth,
Yes, it takes time, however there are ways to speed things up.
First discover what is "guilt". If you sit with it and look at it, what is it? What does it feel like? Where do you sense it in your body? What thoughts accompany it? Also notice -- what is looking.
If we don't take the time to be observant of what is going on, we easily become victim to passing thoughts and their attached emotions; and believe they are what we are. We accept them without question as our identity e.g.: "I am guilty", or "I am fearful". However, if we really look it can be clearly seen that they are just passing things within the field of Consciousness. You will also see that the open and unblemished space of awareness or consciousness is far closer and more intimately you, your true identity, than anything which passes through. This type of inner examination can offer deep and lasting healing, because you can see that the wounds were not yours in the first place.
j -
your not alone in feeling damaged by the jws i am stuck in a crappy job because i thought the new system would cure all my ills.
i am glad youve seen sense and are not continued down the dirty road the watchtower treads.
all we can do is make the most of our situation as it is. and its a hell of a lot better nowadays without some cult telling us how to think.
good luck to you and welcome
Welcome, embeth. A positive way to overcome a less-than-perfect childhood is to establish new traditions and landmark occassions for your own family. There is no reason to follow the rest of society. If you don't want family gatherings to be all about Target or Wal-Mart you can chose other activities that help your family bond together.
My best memories of Christmas are in the kitchen with mom, flouring the raisins, peeling the almonds, for the family Christmas cake. (My kids HATE that cake, too rich). My children's best memories are sitting around the table making home-made cards for everybody. I love going to a concert and listening to the beautiful music.
Welcome Embeth.
Welcome Embeth!! Glad you found this place - it also has helped me a lot to get free from the old ways of thinking. There's lots to read and learn. It's also a fun place - lots of cool, smart people here. And the discussions are much more interesting than anything that ever went on in a hall.
Be careful though....this place is addictive!!