I have the Feb magazine with the new report in it. If anyone is interested to know any of the figures then let me know and I will post it over the next half hour or so....
Worldwide Growth At 2% - the new service report
by slimboyfat 74 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Any increase/decrease in
Europe (including UK)
Hopefully the stats pages will get updated soon ... these really help to visualise what is going on and where:
US figures in the magazine are exactly the same as those posted a few days ago on this site...
Canada: 0% growth (actually down from 108 409 to 108 012)
Australia: 0% (up by 23 publishers)
UK: 0% (up by 36 publishers)
All these figures are from the average pub column...
Elsewhere in Europe: Spain up 1%, Italy 0%, Germany 0%, France 1%, Sweden -1%, Norway and Finland 0%.....
Winston Smith :>D
Can you scan in the pages showing the stats?
Can't scan - that's beyond my powers I am afraid. Any figures provided.
AK - Jeff
So if all the biggies are loosing ground or just holding even - where is the 2% worldwide growth at?
Could it be that the major industrial nations listed above - with a high percentage of internet access - are being affected due to that access? And all the poorer countries are still in a mode where there is no way to investigate - that won't work out well for the WTS since they will not be able to generate funds as well from the third world nations.... HMMMM this might start getting interesting now
can you post the US figures please...i can't find the ones posted a couple days ago.
Two African families have joined our Kingdom Hall. Maybe the third world is taking over.
out of the new publishers.. i wonder what percentage is new converts and what percentage is jw children starting to report hours?