Hi all, forgive me and my n00bness if this has been discussed, or if I started this thread in the wrong place. How does everyone feel about death,and what happens to you afterward? Do you still believe what the WTS teaches? Or has your mind been opened to other possibilites? Personally , I now believe that after our bodies die our spirit or soul lives on. Our living energy just takes on another form, or something.
How do you feel about death?
by 3rdEye 40 Replies latest jw friends
This is a question that tests my faith daily. I am fine with saying that I believe in the rapture cuz I believe in Jesus as long as I don't have to die first. Then I panic and think, well what if I'm wrong and that's it and there is no such thing as God and it's the oldest hoax in the world (the Bible) and I'll never come back and blah de blah. Death is the scariest thing to think about. It used to keep me up to the point of wanting to vomit to think of never coming back again some day EVER. Too much to think about ya know. But at the end of the day, I think that we die, we lay there and wait and then we get called to Jesus with all the other believers to safely make it through the tribulation on the non believers and on the fencers.....then we get a "new heavens and new earth" and live on it in the New Jerusalem with Jesus and all the apostles where there is never any night cuz Jesus is the light.
How's that?
i believe in reincarnation. i believe that we each have a karmic lesson to learn in this life, and when we have learned it, we move on to our next life. i don't think we come back as butterflies or flowers, but as people. i don't believe in heaven, hell or purgatory. i'm not afraid to die - i just don't want it to hurt. (just remember to make it look like an accident, heh...)
I do not believe the WTS views.................so, I just don't know. I guess we will all find out one day...........or not, if there isn't anything.
For now, I am just living this life, because that's a sure thing.
Scared for what I will miss. Had that live forever with my kids plan going, before I learned that I was in a cult.
How do you feel about death?
Well,,I think it is inevidable we all are going to die. And when we do I don't think we will be alive somewhere else,,but niether do I rule out the possiblity our consciousness lives on,, but tend to think it doesn't.
I think that the fear we have of death is just a product of evolution,,in order to evolve a species must have a force that drives them to live and keep living at least until they have reached an age to reproduce. Fear seem to be a very common force or emotion to get animals to react. So man has had this natural fear of death that would get greater the more his brain developed the ability to remember and think about the future. In order to give the mind some peace we will often accept beleif about death that tend to calm our fears but don't have any solid fact behind it. It is a form of escape.
I think it better not to beleive anything others say about death and develope a kind of benevolent curiousity. That type of curiousity that make you more curious than afraid. Acceptance of what is has to be better than fearfully trying to escape it thru fairy tales.
wow look at all the newbies this week! welcome 3rdeye!
this subject has weighed on me a lot lately since i just lost someone close to me. I am so f'd up with the JW belief system still that I am trying to figure out what I believe.
I don't want to believe that people are sleeping or gone forever. I have to think that there is more to all this than that. But I guess none of us can really know till we get there, can we?
welcome to JWD!
Death is cool and I hope all of you can experience the pleasantness of it all----just not me, right now.
oh, I forgot...someone (I think it was Mulan, can't remember for sure) recommended to me Mitch Albom's book "The Five People You meet in Heaven." I have found it to be very interesting, comforting, and though it is fiction, it has really had a profound effect on me. You might want to check it out next time you're at the bookstore.
I have no qualms with dying. Its a natural part of our existence. I'm sure that if I had any children or a wife, though, I'd want to be a part of their lives for as long as they could stand me.
A large part of me thinks there's no afterlife, and agrees with the views in Ecclesiastes. But there's a part of me that hopes that within many of us is the spark of the divine, and that on death, it'll manage to attain or re-attain its intended state.