I went to my parents place last night and the January KM was laying on the table. Naturally, I browsed it. Didn't see anything but the same old dribble I saw 8 years ago. However, one thing really surprised me.
On the back of the KM, there was a column which gave you presentations for each of the magazines that are to be placed in FS for that month. Is it really that bad? Has the WT quit encouraging the publishers to read the magazines and has given them such an easy route?
Truly, you don't have to think in this organization. You're fed a statement, and instructions on how to carry it out. It's just like programming a computer.
10 Put on meeting clothes
20 Get bookbag$
30 Read KM
40 If KM=month/day/year goto 60
50 goto 30
60 goto field service group
70 get territory$
80 goto car
90 goto door
100 Print"Good morning! My name is Vic-20. Have you ever wondered why this world is such a mess?"
110 Input householder$
120 Ignore householder$
130 Print"This magazine tells us how there is hope in a world that is in such a mess. If you would like to read it, I'd be happy to leave them with you."
140 Input householder$
150 If householder$ = "Not Interested" goto 200
160 Print"We support our work with voluntary donations. If you would like to leave one, it would be greatly accepted"
170 input money$
180 if money$ = 0 then goto 200
190 Put money into contribution box
200 Print"Okay, thank you for your time. Have a nice day"
210 goto 90
I used to be an awesome BASIC programmer. Hell, I could program a JW!