If Chris wins immunity, he will (dump) Eliza and take Scout and Twila to the final 3 because everyone hates scout and twila. Then he just has to win immunity (cross your fingers!) and get into the final 2 . Chris wins!
I told ya, I told ya, I told ya
What a fun-filled evil episode! I won a 1$ because I bet that Tough Twila would cry in her closing words to the jury. How evil of me.
Sarge= I liked him durring the season, but at the jury what is up with that guy? He has been in the army or whatever for WAY too long. I think he is two tacos short of a combination plate! And when he said that to Twila about not wanting to be her friend, I thought it was so mean. Poor twila. He was so hurt that he lashed out. I swear to god he was in love with her!
Twila=I started the season rooting for her. Then a few episodes ago, I thought she was turning into a hatefull you-know-what,,,,,and I started rooting for Chris. I guess I fell for the editing. Now I feel so bad for her, and I feel bad that I bet 1$ she would cry in her closing words to the jury. Well sorta. It was cool to win that dollar! I wish I had kept rooting for her all the way, even though I thought Chris would win. I am so disloyal! Oh well! She was CRUSHED. And I don't think just about the million dollars. She really took what those people said about her to heart.
Ami=would make a great JW if she wasn't a lesbian! She thinks she is SOOOOOOOOO GOOD. The look on her face when she listened to the jury members answer her question was priceless. She was still stunned that she was voted out!
Julie=I feel bad for her, too. Man, she was really hurt. But she should know it is a game! Plus I think Chris really did think of her as a sister because he said so when she wasn't around.
Leanne=didn't like her. bleh.
Eliza=good TV! So glad she didn't win! I feel kinda bad for her, too. She realized that in the whole entire game, not one person was her friend, not one person liked her. Everybody lied to her. Everybody. Except Twila....
Chris = Fantastic game at the end, deserved to win! However, he owes it all to Twila who told him how to change the game to his favor.
Scout=I started off rooting for her...then started to hate her...now I'm not sure.
Chad=cool, amazing with his leg..didn't get to see much of his personality...too bad.
Over all, a great season of stupid reality TV!