If God did have a new system..would you want to be there?

by happehanna 36 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • outoftheorg

    I would like to live in a world where only true justice, fairness, good health, no death, "freedom" exist.

    However the wbts loudly proclaims that they are the only organization that God does and will work through.

    In other words the wbts will rule/govern the earth and all its inhabitants.

    Based on their record so far, none of the required conditions will be there for me/us. They have been so dishonest, hateful, unloving, uncaring, power and money hungry, living with them as rulers would be a sentence worth than death.

    I am not aware of any other group that preaches everlasting life on earth or that the bible even supports it, so I think it was just another sham/fraud.

    So screw them.


  • ko38

    well sure it would be great.unfortunately there seems to be a little problem with regards to an everlasting paradise.NO ONE KNOWS IF IT EXISTS.most including myself have had at one point sought after it.when the fallicy is devulged in the BORG by whatever means or vehicle it comes one is faced with much the same tramatic experience as a person who bought a lottery ticket and has all the matching numbers.HOW GREAT THAT WOULD BE! then when you go to claim your prize you are told that the network that broadcasted the numbers was incorret and you in fact just lost a dollar. smack my butt and call me stupid because i believed it and still want to but how can we say what will happen unless we know?you have to die to know.

    so i will take the advice of you fine folks and not get my heart set on anything.like i heard someone say here: if it happens thats a bonus and the dollar is well spent.

  • MungoBaobab

    Can you imagine?

    "Goddammit! The lion is hogging all the bird seed again. >>banging on window screem<< GET OUT OF HERE!!! Go on!"

    Yeah, I remember coming to that epiphany at a circuit assembly once. In a crowd of 1,200 people, I never felt so alone. I looked around and thought these are the people I want to spend forever with? No way.

  • happehanna

    the thing I notice about the replies I receive here is the humour, there always seemed to be a great lack of that at JW meetings and I bet there would be too if there ever was a new system JW style.

  • euripides

    Well, imagine this - you could sign up for the first 1000 years and do what ever you wanted to do and not die. You could kill your enemy every day for 1000 years. You could go parachuting and not wear a parachute. Mountain climbing - no gear. Rollerblading - no pads. Dive to the depths of the ocean and then pop right back up - no problem. Jump off of a cliff and enjoy the fall and not die. So, Yeah - it would be like totally awesome!!!! Besides...I love fruit!!!! That sounds oddly like the plot to Groundhog Day with Bill Murray--condemned to live the same day over and over and over until he gets it "right." Unfortunately, I don't think "getting it right" would be everyone's goal. The concept of the New System struck me as akin to bad science fiction, or rather, a story about the worst way things could go. A world devoid of conflicts demanding resolution (and thus generating satisfaction), a perpetual still life where nothing is really that interesting or important, and the only thing that saves the concept is that it genuinely is "unimaginable." Its important to recognize the psychological origin of utopian visions. They are dreamed up by those who are imprisoned or abused, physically or otherwise, and who seek escape through unbridled self-indulgent fantasies. That is essentially a coping mechanism, and one that is perfectly understandable. A life choice crisis emerges however, because when one defers all hope to a future fantasy, then one will not takes steps to improve or help people or the "world" right now, which is the only world we know. I am also reminded of the Sybil of Cumae of Greek mythology, whose story runs as follows: (from http://www.hranajanto.com/goddessgallery/sibyl.html) "The Sibyl of Cumae gained her powers by attracting the attention of the sun god, Apollo, who offered her anything if she would spend a single night with him. She asked for as many years of life as grains of sand she could squeeze into her hand. Granted, the sun god said; and Sibyl, glad to win her boon, refused his advances. Thereafter she was cursed with the fulfillment of her wish--eternal life without eternal youth. She slowly shriveled into a frail undying body, so tiny that she fit into a jar. Her container was hung from a tree; Sibyl needed, of course, no food or drink, for she could neither starve nor die of thirst. And there she hung, croaking occasional oracles, while children would stand beneath her urn and tease, 'Sibyl, Sibyl, what do you wish?' To which she would faintly reply, 'I wish to die.'"

  • frankiespeakin

    Another thing the JW teach is that the earth will forever be our home. That pretty much rules out visiting other planets.

    So after say 5000 years we get bored and tired of earth,,we studied all the plant and animals,, I mean we spent 5 hrs a day learning for 5000 years,,now what do we do but just sit around and feed our pet birds maybe grow some really big tomatoes. Been there do that syndrome is really starting to make everything thing seem so pointless. Maybe we would shake our fist at Jehovah and say: "Hey you up there,,I don't think this is very funny,,How was I suppose to know everlasting life would be so boring. I guess the old saying is true: misery loves company. You fooled me Jehovah,, you really fooled me."

  • whyamihere

    It all depends on who is there.

    Elvis? Sign me up!

    Brooke WI

  • Happy Guy :)
    Happy Guy :)

    Hmm what would it be like?

    If it was a paradise with no death or disease and everyone happy that would be great. Who wouldn't want that you would have to be nuts not to - sign me up!

    On the other hand, iIf it were a JW place where I was forced to worship a being which just finished murdering billions of people because they used words like "lucky" instead of "fortunate" then no thanks. That would be like worshipping Hitler.

  • Poztate
    Yes it does, as long as we can still have the internet there.

    A paradise without internet...WELL that just simply would not be good enough. After all look at all the great information that can be found on the internet.

  • confuzzed

    hi all. i have read many of the postings here and although i am currently inactive, i find some of the comments listed here confusing. for example, the comments regarding the internet, jazz/blues clubs etc. these are material possesions. although these are things that are enjoyed by many people, are they really essential to our life?? sure, they are things of enjoyment, but i am sure jehovah would give us things for enjoyment and we wouldn't miss the previous things we knew because we will not remember that which would be hurtful to us. the paradise should be appealing in the sense that we can, anything else aside, live in perfect health forever. now for a person like me who suffers terribly from chronic fatigue syndome, this prospect is quite appealing. and only jehovah can offer us this perfection. he was the one who gave it, took it away due to mans sin, and only he can replace the perefection he originally intended for the world. so you think it is impossible for the world to return to a paradise???? jehovah can do anything if we have FAITH in him. all he wants us to do is serve him and live a clean, moral life. that's it!! everything boiled down means living a moral life with standards. is this really so hard? sure, we don't really know what is coming but if we look at the prophecies in the bible that have so far been historically proved by people that aren't witnesses, jw's are the only religion heading down the right track. sure, we are surrounded by people in this system that are imperfect in many ways but the end of evil and the beginning of jehovahs reign will see the end of these imperfections that plague us and often send us out of the truth. although i am not in the truth at this time, i believe most of what i was taught. finally i would like to mention the comment regarding how jehovah could claim to be a loving god and then kill so many at armageddon. sure this sounds contradictory but if we think back to the gardon of eden he said when eve partook of the fruit that if they thought they could do better, then so be it. but, one day he would put an end to it, after man proved they couldn't successfully run the world, and all wickedness would be put to rest and only the good that he had intended would prevail. these wicked people are already dead to him. we must remember that when in the truth, we are there for jehovah, not for the imperfect humans that surround us today! sorry for the long posting

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