So What Is The Point Of It All?

by Swan 18 Replies latest jw friends

  • gypsywildone

    I get great satisfaction from reading, for instance, how a non-JW partner coaxed their significant other out of the clutches of the WTBTS. Or the girl dating a JW who is wondering why she hasn't been introduced to his family yet. Or the teenager who is wondering if they can make it on their own when they turn eighteen. I like to think I had something to do with that. One at a time, I am content to make a difference.

    Brilliant answer.

    Once a person is on their way to healing, they can only whine so much, they can only rail against the watchtower so much. Then it becomes about encouraging other people & living the best life you can. You never know, there might be that one person reading that you could make a difference to, or set an example for.

  • Golf

    Swan, I don't personally think about them. I haven't since the elders who last expelled me on the basis of them thinking for me. Yes, they knew me better than I know myself, well, the light bulbs went on that night and its been on since. I have emotionally detached myself from the JW's. Though my mom and daughter are JW's it doesn't phase me, no guilt. One of the things you learn in competitive golf is, YOU have to EXECUTE THE SHOT, not someone else! Life is not different. Guest77

  • Fleur

    Like anything else in life, it is what you make of it, and what you take away from it.

    People stay as long as they are getting something out of it, or giving something to it. For some, helping others is its own reward. Others are here because even though the discussions may seem repetitive to us, we know that it's always day 1 for someone; they're just starting the journey. We are just a bit farther down the road. For others, the pain keeps coming up fresh as day one because JW family is a constant in their lives.

    It's all about the journey. We are all seeing the same geography, but everyone sees something different in the view. I'm here to lend my voice, just in case it might help anyone out there who is listening. Hearing it myself reminds me how far I've come.



  • confusedjw

    Is there a point Swan?

    Well in part to this site, I'm out and thus my children aren't growing up in a cult.

    That's something isn't it?

  • Satanus

    Of course, if a jw wanting to exit asked me for help, i would offer what i have. But, i'm not too concerned about the wt.

    I may have gotten distracted, but i feel concerned about that which has a lowlevel hypnotism on minds in the western world, directing it. Or, perhaps it's the herd think that the human animal has. It seems to me that we should wake up from herd type thinking. It served us well as we were evolvong in getting us to the position of dominant species, but we need to get a handle on it now. It makes us servants of the leaders of the flock.


  • Granny Linda
    Granny Linda

    Hi, Tammy.

    I stopped going onto any such sites when I began having nightmares all over about the JWs. Too many years "out" for me to rehash all of their evil bullcrap ways - knowing I would never return.

    But, I have gleaned much info about things I'd never have bothered with in the past...UN, pedophile, continued shunning; along with learning that there are many other's that are existing the ranks. And that's wonderful news.

    Sometimes I even think I can offer an encouraging word...

    Sometimes I just read for sake of reading...

    And sometimes I don't have the interest for hearing about that religion at all, so I don't come aboard.

    I'd like to see an end to cult like religions, but that probably won't happen. At least in my life time.

    Heck, sometimes I need a break from the daily druggery of housework, laundry, paperwork, etc...and just come hangout here for sake of developing a sense of belonging with those who do understand.

    And when I'm really getting too uptight with life...I stay far away from politics, too. Religion/politics - the two things that can really get me riled.

    Love ya, Tammy.

    take care, granny

  • Doubtfully Yours
    Doubtfully Yours

    I truly believe the WTBTS will continue to exist just any other well organized religion has continued to exist.

    My aim is not to see them go out of business at all. They do not fit the lifestyle I want to lead, and therefore, I won't practice that form or worship; However, this organization does fit others and those people will continue on.


  • Swan

    Thank you to all who posted. I got a bit depressed yesterday.

    I can also see that there is some part of my mind that still accepts those Watchtower numbers as fact without question. And in going back to that other thread I can see that the growth was nil in many countries.

    So I guess I am guilty of some all-or-nothing thinking, and making a mountain out of a mole hill.

    I am usually not so morose, but my sense of humor failed me yesterday.

    Maybe the post on child abusers is what upset me the most. Most people don't know any. I knew four just with my connection with JWs, and one through my workplace.

    Thanks for your supportive comments.


  • Joyzabel


    I thought you sounded awfully pessimistict (not like you) yesterday. Glad it is a new day and you can see some sunshine.


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