I noticed that at least in my area the JWs are morraly corrupt. Now this is not traditional corruption where i bend the rules out of greed for power or money. This is the total lack of moral judgement, or as the watchtower calls it "a bible trained conscience". Where basically the concept that what you are doing or allowing is not thought about.
I will be vague to protect the case:
A non-jw has a sick child that needs a blood transfussion. The non-jw does not believe in blood transfussions. They ask the jws for help avoiding a blood transfussion. The jws* look at the person as crazy, and says give your child a blood transfussion they may die without one!
* By JWs I mean a member of the HLC who is an elder along with a hand full of members in the congregation.
I have noticed several incidents in which it is apparent the JWs in question regardless of position can't understand basically "whats good for the goose is good for the gander". Matters such as child abuse, divorce, fornication, blood, and others. I also noticed the Awake! rarely agrees with the watchtower. For example they have an article recently that very crudely and awkwardly encourages younge women to initiate dating. They also rarely agree with the watchtower on chronology.
Also they say they are free from custom, fear of men/ goverment, or tradition yet many articles (at least nowdays) instruct JWs to live by their local customs before taking the watchtowers advice.
My question is why are JWs like this right now, or have they always been like this? Because I can't understand this many JWs recomending a transfusion when in theory they are supossed to do the opposite. Won't this corrupt the JW religion in the long run?