I think we should lose weight from talking!

by redhotchilipepper 12 Replies latest jw friends

  • candidlynuts

    bashing fat people is as bad as bashing gays.. behave yourself!

    redhothoney..i lose weight by posting.. i have the most fit fingers now from typing !

  • redhotchilipepper

    Sorry guys, if you took this post as bashing fat people. I didn't mean it in that way. I am a bit pudgy myself. It was all in good fun. I need to lose 15-20 pounds and seriously wished I could do it from talking. Sorry Candy if ya took it as an insult. Trust me I'm no skinny minny. It was just a little humor. Chill girl. A little pudge on the body is a good thing. It's more to love baby, more to love and hug.LOL

  • candidlynuts
    Fat slobs do nothing else but talk and eat. Most witnesses are lazy fat slobs. Remember, "exercise is beneficial for little". That has to be one of the most damaging scriptures in the bible for any witnesses. I remember Bro Elder telling another bro who was into exercise and weight lifting that he should stop as Jehovah was not pleased with this behavior. The Bro elder quoted the above scripture. I proceded to tell bro weight lifter to do what he found beneficial for his physical and emotional health. I then told Bro Elder to mind his own business. Boy, I was not on his Christmas card list for very long ( like I really cared if I was ). That and all religions are in it for the control of others. If the truth be told Bro Elder was jealous because he did not have the inner strengh to exercise and be fit himself. His wife more than likely did not want to have sex with him any more because his 300 lbs. cruched her. He knew he he wanted any more he had to lose weight, but couldn't get past his own lazyness.

    red do you think you COULD offend me? i dont think so. the above quote is the one that was irritating!

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