Guess what guys I got my NEW TV today. It's a 42" Plasma. I was literally jumping up and down like a freakin lunatic when it arrived. They say men get excited about TV's. Well here's one chick who really digs her new television set. My son and I went to Future Shop and were casually looking around. Well there she was staring at us "Saying please take me home with you". My son has been getting really good grades in school. High Honor Role actually. I'm so proud of him. So this is his early XMas gift and to say I'm proud of him for his high achievement at school. He is a great kid. Of course I wanted the TV too, just don't tell him that. I kind of think he guessed though. We had two of our neighbours over hooking it up and playing XBox games on it. Life is good when you have a big TV. LOL/Redhotchilipepper
I got my new TV today
by redhotchilipepper 31 Replies latest jw friends
"Saying please take me home with you".
lol... congrats on getting a new member of your family!
Saying please take me home with you
With a 42" plasma tv, I'm saying the exact same thing to you!
Very funny Kwin! Your a married man and a pervert to boot! Nice try though! Thanks Elsewhere, I like my new family member he's mighty fine! I think he's adapting to our new family quite well. He seems to be turned on all the time!!!!
He seems to be turned on all the time!!!!
And that is why women should sleep with their men before they marry them... ya never know what your gonna get until you do!
Sleep with the man before you marry him? I don't see how the woman is going to get any sleep with him being turned on do you? Come on man. Help me out here!
I don't see how the woman is going to get any sleep with him being turned on do you? Come on man. Help me out here!
That's the point... she WON'T get any sleep.
Typical males! I post something about a product( being my television ) and they turn it into something sexual! Not that I mind. I enjoy the good juicy sex talk or joke now and again. Just had to point that out! It always turns sexual to a man, almost always. Or is that just wishful thinking on my part? HMMMM/lol
Hey Elsewhere, shall we go elsewhere and talk dirty to other people, what do you say?
Or is that just wishful thinking on my part?
Don't worry babe... it's perfectly normal to find me irresistible.