Just as an aside: I had my brother agree that truth is always the same, it never changes, it can't. Just by virtue of its nature, it is what it is, always. He agreed. Then I brought up the false dates, and I said that in the New Testament it says that false prophets will arise and will prophesy, and you will know them because none of their prophecies will come true. Pffft.... lotta good *that* did.
He brought up that same old crap about "new light" and I countered by saying that how can it be new light, when it was supposedly the TRUTH. He said that it's understanding by commen men would change. I said "Then how can you know the Bible to be the Truth when it was written by imperfect men, with imperfect lives, and imperfect interpretations?" He just goes on about New Light. I finally just rounded it off to the United Nations thing. He said he had heard about it, but didn't believe it. I said I would provide proof.
P.S. I asked my Mother, 40 year pioneer, whether if the United Nations actually sent her a letter saying that the JWs were an NGO, if she would believe it? You know her answer? No.
Heheheh. Queen of Denial, and that's not the one that runs in Egypt.
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