i think the question speaks for itself? while there is much we don't believe, there are some things we can't ignore. anyone agree????
Out of Curiosity...Does Anyone Believe Anything They WereTaught??
by confuzzed 31 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Nope. Nada. Zilch. Nothing.
nothing??? not even the values we were taught?? not religious ones more just like moral ones
When I first left, I still believed some of the stuff.
But then, a few years later, I went down to the public library and researched those things just to be sure.
Turns out they were all wrong! (It only took me one afternoon of research to answer my questions...and that was before the internet.)
About the only thing I agree with the JWs on now is that there is a God. That is it.
nothing??? not even the values we were taught?? not religious ones more just like moral ones
ok..I think people should be honest, too. That agrees with the JWs. And the JWs TALK a lot about being loving, but they are not loving in their actions. I believe in actually doing things that are loving.
i guess i am asking because i have recently accepted a study again with the witnesses. many things i didn't believe before, i believe now and am wondering wether it is because it has been so many years since i left the truth or if it's because i'm just wanting to believe there is something better out there. more things make sense now than they did when i was growing up and it has me in kind of a pickle :)
one of my biggest problems is the lack of love in the congregations also. my mum keeps saying that i should be in the truth for jehovah not the people in the congregations who are not so loving and 'imperfect' hard to swallow though
Some of the moral values are all right, but most are taught with fear behind them, and not the rightness of them.
I believe very little that they taught me.
franklin J
Yes, I believe in the teachings of science and technology.
I emphatically DO NOT believe anything I was ever taught from Jehovahs Witnesses. I DO NOT believe in Christianity as the divine intervention.
The world is a very big place ( despite the internet) and when you experience other cultures (and their religious practices) you cannot help but wonder that if there is a supreme being; why would he ( or she) choose one civilizaiton and culture over another to represent him?
If you have studied ancient cultures ( other than what the Watchtower teaches) you would have futher evidence to keep asking that question.....
i also left for about 13 years then accepted a study again and believed whole heartedly.i even got my new unbelieving wife to attend meetings. my 12 year old daughter was baptised this summer at the convention.
my wife began doing research on the net and i discouraged her.she then purchased a book by Ray Franz former member of the governing body called crisis of conscience.she read me some of that and i told her to throw it away.well she didnt.we have the 2003 cd rom from the wtbts wich goes back to 1950 and she began comparing some quotes from wtbts that were used in rays book to prove them wrong.
or mostly to prove they twist scriptures and believe one thing for a while then change it quoting new light and then go back to the original belief quoting new light (flip flop) and they expect us not to catch it.well my wife caught it and since then we have tried to find sound scriptural support of the wtbts teachings.very difficult to do since they claim a divine power to interpret.
bottom line is they do lie then cover up then if you doubt the cover up you are dfd.typical cult practice.knowing too much about any group in history when youre on the inside will either get you promoted or shot depending on where your loyalty is. go to section on this site that gives the wt articles back from almost the beginning.
very interesting . good luck