Gay bethilites

by Carlito 9 Replies latest jw friends

  • Carlito

    I will say this. I am gay. I hate it. I hate having this desire for men. I can't change who I am though. I've had this since puberty. What I'm trying to say is that I only want to be loved. I'm trying hard. Homosexuality is a sin yes but god forgives those who repent..... I have not acted on my desires for a very long time. Where has that gotten me?

  • minimus

    If you're gay--you're gay. Stop beating yourself up.

  • Narkissos

    Welcome Carlito,

    I agree with Minimus: you have been taught to hate what you are; you have been taught it is a sin. Since you seem to be a believer you can learn something else from your faith: believe in what "God" has made you; build your own values on your own experience, and make the best of it.

    Take care.

  • Dawn


    Don't beat yourself up - instead, focus on what is good about you. I bet you have a ton of wonderful attributes. We humans tend to put most of our energy and thought into what's wrong with ourselves instead of what's RIGHT. Take stock in who you are, what you've done good - and go from there.

  • Joyzabel

    Welcome to the board, Carlito.

    Homosexuality is a sin

    says who? People trying to control people?

    As far as Gay Bethelites go, yep there are plenty.

    Please learn to love yourself and learn to distinguish what are man's rules and what the true meaning of love is.

    If you need help, seek a counselor who has dealt with other gay people.


    Joy (exBethelite)

  • Fleur

    Wow, what a coincidence.

    I was just going through some old email files and came across a quote I'd saved because I liked the person who said it and it reminded me of how I felt after leaving the JW's. Now I read your post and I think that I was meant to find it to post it here for you. It is:

    "People and creatures just have to be who they are. Otherwise, they can't survive." Mr. Rogers

    Please don't beat yourself up for being gay. It's like beating yourself up for having blue eyes, or brown eyes, or being left handed.

    It is who you are. I hope that you can find some help, therapy, and a life that will make you much happier than you sound right now.

    big hugs...


  • Rabbit


    I used to believe that, too. When I was a JW, I found out one of my best friends was gay, like the good Witness I was...I turned him in to the Elders. He was disfellowshipped. I was "comforted" by the Elders, they told me I did the "Christ-like" loving thing...this would "help" him to "do the right thing".

    Somehow, I always thought I'd made a mistake, because...I felt guilty for my part in getting him kicked out. I still do. I always wondered what happened to him. I've recently done all types of searches to find him to apologize. Maybe, this helped him get away from this cult. The thing is...he was suffering from depression and I've always worried about the possibility of suicide. He lost all his friends for something I believe now, he has no choice in. He was born gay.

    So, please be are thinking dangerously.

    I hope you stick around and read some of the threads here. There are several people here that are gay, that would gladly help see you thru the pressures you are under right now.


  • shamus

    Oh, your story is so common. I know that's cold comfort, but it's true.

    Welcome to the club!

  • candidlynuts

    welcome carlito.. please understand many feel as you do and not just about their sexuality. the wtbs makes you feel guilty for a multitude of normal feelings. please read over others experiences, maybe even get some counseling if you can, and find peace within yourself . after seeing on medical shows how homosexuality comes from a gene how can you feel so bad about having those feelings? it comes from your genetic makeup. anyway.. i'm not gay so i'll shut up because i dont wanna butt in somewhere where i dont belong.. but i do feel for you and i do know help is to be found here and elsewhere. hugs

  • Valis

    Carlito is a troll and this thread is locked. Multiple accounts..


    District Overbeer

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