Does dying scare you?

by JH 35 Replies latest jw friends

  • Valis

    I think there are two things I dread a lot more than dying. The first being incapacitated with pain and the second me being a burden to my family when/if I grow old.


    District Overbeer

  • Sunnygal41
    If I don't die in my sleep then I hope it is something spectacular. Something like, " Local resident dies in fiery explosion after having heart attack and driving into a gas well."

    Alone, this comment of yours confirmed that you belong in our's funny and crazy..............I would like to add that of all the deaths I've heard about, drowning is the most peaceful............supposedly.............altho, I must say that I almost drowned one time when I was ten and it was NOT peaceful.......I was fighting for all my worth..............another easy way to go is freezing to fall asleep. What death scares ME the most is anything with fire or I & P owies, please. My granddad went in his sleep........a massive heart attack.........he never knew what happened..........that would be good, I think.

  • Sunnygal41

    Valis, mon! I'm sure you'd agree with me when I say that it would be nice to go out after smokin' some quality weed, eh?

  • candidlynuts

    valis thats a good point.i think its something we all fear. i know somone in that position. my companion is disabled and he's just 44.. he used to work on programming for nuclear weapons and such and now he's in constant pain and unable to walk. he has spells of wanting to kill himself because of pain. its a choice between being in horrible nerve pain or being doped to the gills with morphine. its sad to see such a mighty man be in pain so badly some days but he's such a wonderful person that i hope his good days outnumber his bad days for years to come. his life has a lot of value to me. he has said in past years that if he ever lost body function he'd end it all.. and now that happens from time to time and its a struggle keeping his spirits up . but he's no burden. i'm happy to help him . anyone who gets into that shape..remember how much your loved and needed.

  • frankiespeakin


    It is the :

    Mandelbrot set

    The Mandelbrot set is the set of all complex c such that iterating

     z -> z^2+c ----- (1) 

    does not go to infinity (starting with z=0). The basic algorithm is: For each pixel c, start with z=0. Repeat eq 1 up to N times, exiting if the magnitude of z gets large. If you finish the loop, the point is probably inside the Mandelbrot set. If you exit, the point is outside and can be colored according to how many iterations were completed. You can exit if modulus of Z is greater than 2, since if z gets this big it will go to infinity. The maximum number of iterations, N, can be selected as desired, for instance 100. Larger N will give sharper detail but take longer.


    Note that the Mandelbrot set in general is not strictly self similar; the tiny copies of the Mandelbrot set are all slightly different, mainly because of the thin threads connecting them to the main body of the Mandelbrot set. However, the Mandelbrot set is self similar. The Mandelbrot set is self similar under magnification in neighborhoods of Misiurewicz points, however (e.g. -.1011+.9563i). The Mandelbrot set is conjectured to be self- similar around generalized Feigenbaum points (e.g. -1.401155 or -.1528+1.0397i), in the sense of converging to a limit set. References: The Mandelbrot set is simply connected. This follows from a theorem of Douady and Hubbard that there is a conformal isomorphism from the complement of the Mandelbrot set to the complement of the unit disk. (In other words, all equipotential curves are simple closed curves.) It is conjectured that the Mandelbrot set is locally connected, and thus pathwise connected, but this is currently unproved.

    Click here for some pictures:

  • Country_Woman


    How do you deal with the fact that you will one day die?

    I hope with dignity

  • frankiespeakin


    So sorry to here about your mate,,I hope things get better for him. I'm sure your a great comfort to him.

  • Quotes

    It's not DYING that scares me, it's the fear of RUNNING OUT OF TIME.

    Damn, I feel I have SO MUCH TO DO, and not nearly enough time to do it!!! (I figure I have 50 to 75 years left).

    ~Quotes, of the "Life Is Short, carpe diem" class

  • TresHappy

    Early 40's woman, I think if I start taking better care of myself, I can live to 100! My grandmother didn't take care of herself and lived to be in her late 80's. So I want to live forever, or die trying.

  • Carmel

    My girlfriend once dyed my hair and it came out orange. I looked like my head was on fire! Dying is scary!


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