After leaving a controlling sect, it?s normal to want to live ?freedom?. What did you do to show that you were no longer under the influence of the Watchtower? Did you grow a beard, start having sex with whoever, start drinking, start gambling?
How rebellious did you get after leaving?
by JH 38 Replies latest jw friends
I just love letting my whiskers grow and then meeting a witness at the market
I commit spiritual adultery on a daily basis.
Pole -
Grew my hair long. The dumbest thing i did to "show everyone that I was no longer a dub" was take up smoking. It's effective, yet stupid.
Sex (no elaboration sorry lol), drinking, smoking occasional things hehe, cussing - basically enjoying life. Sometimes I catch myself with residual guilt, but it's fading. Old dub morals die hard.
Serious partying!
Hairy buffalo parties, gallons of Bacardi and JD, smoke weed, acid, shrooms, strip clubs, rock concerts, smoke cigs, name it. There wasn't a whole heck of a lot that I didn't try once. Good thing I grew up....probably be dead if I hadn't.
I rebelled before I left...
Not at all - they all think I am going back soon!
I am thinking of growing a beard - though I did grow one once on holiday and come back and take the Ministry School and a few meeting parts for a week or two after. It didn't go down too well amounst the 'right wingers'.
No beard--physically incapable
No smoking--not a JW decision...a health decision....mine and others
Married and happy---no desire to cheat on my spouse to "prove a point"
Serious partying--don't enjoy hangovers--alcoholic family dynamic
Rather than choosing to do just the opposite of what the WTS taught, I try to make each change a personal choice with knowledge of how it affects me and others. I would hate to think that I changed from doing everything because the WTS said to to doing nothing the WTS said just because they said to.