I've been told by my wife that I'm completely insane for even thinking this, its been a topic of discussion that comes up for us many times.
I would like to be able to witness the beauty of a nuclear explosion, maybe even several of them. Man in his infinite wizdom having the knowledge and the capacity to split the atom, and all that secret knowledge entails is truly a, dare I say it, a Gift from God, yes, that's right, I said a gift from God, which we as human beings have perverted to come up with the H-Bomb, A-Bomb and several other unfortunate aspects of that same field of science.
We also are blessed by that knowledge thru the use of microwave ovens, satellite navigation systems, and myriads of other technological advancements that have their onset in such sciences and technology.
To witness a nuclear explosion in the perfect world, would be the most awesome fireworx extravaganza to mirror, in the basest of sense, the creation of the universe.