Free up your imagination. I think you put too many limits on it.
by Elsewhere 38 Replies latest jw friends
Free up your imagination. I think you put too many limits on it.
I had a woman tell me one time out in service that God was an astronaut!
Regarding Atlantis, it is pretty widely accepted now that the "Atlantis" which Plato wrote about was based on existing accounts of the Minoan civilization, which had at one time ruled their part of the Mediterranean, and had been trading partners with numerous other nations, including Egypt. When their capital city was destroyed by the eruption of the volcano Thera around 1350 B.C.E., their culture pretty much ended, but there were survivors who told stories about their homeland. 900 years later, Plato wrote his account using notes from another Greek who had travelled to Egypt a couple of generations previously. Plato wrote his version, not as history, but as a moral tale about the dangers of disrespecting the gods. So, if one accepts the details of Platos account as completely historically accurate, they must also accept that the destruction came about as a result of the displeasure of the gods. Archeological excavations on the remaining bits of Thera which are still above sea level have uncovered multi-story buildings with indoor plumbing suggesting hot and cold running water, and flush-type water closets. Such technology was indeed advanced for the time, I'm not aware of any other culture anywhere else in the world having similar devices until the Romans developed similar equipment approximately 800-1000 years later (correct me if you know of someone who did). However, there is no evidence that they had electricity of any type, let alone atomic power, fusion reactors, or time travel.
Is this the "Atlantis" theory?
~Quotes, of the "Does Toilet Paper Count As Advanced Technology???" class
One of my personal pet peeves! We can put a man on the moon but I'm still wiping my ass with processed tree bark...
~Mark, of the "bidets in every restroom" class
The whole pyramid argument has got to stop! They didn't require much in the way of technology. Just lots and lots and LOTS of man hours and they had slaves in spades! All they really needed was a straight edge and a hammer!
I'm much more impressed by the leaning tower of Pisa. It was built on sinky sand and started leaning during the building the engineers said "heck with this we'll build it anyway!" so each floor has a little more "lean" built right in... They finally get done with this joker and it's not enough that it's standing they have to go and fill the top floor with something like 16 TONS of bells! This building has stood that way (admitedly they did finally take out the bells) for almost 1000 YEARS! Now that should require aliens! At the least some sort of anti-gravity device!
So adavanced that they could not figure a way to preserve documentation of whatever they did... if they really did..any thing really extraordinary. Have you seen any.. .
"still wiping my ass with processed tree bark..." ROFLAO
But dont complaint, it is renewable.
"LOL! I'm just imagining Simon's steam-powered JWD server."
easy, steam can carry data if properly 'proccessed', but wont go to far,
i swap steam-power for fuelcell power anytime,
the show is just starting.
problem is humans are slow to adapt to what a few bright minds can develop.
I don't think there was any signifigant contribution to science that far back in human history . I know the first steam engine is now being dated to ancient rome and aledgedly he was the first to use a system program using wood and ropes to run a puppet show automatically . I can't remember the name but did see something on the history channel . The same guy was developing better weapons for the military . The first multy shot stationary bow .
simon --- I think the space program also had alot to do with developing medical technology and the satelites have made it easier to communicate around the globe just like we are now . I don't think I would be bothered by returning to the old horse and buggy days but today is just too fast paced unless you owned a farm , but still you would have to get your stuff to the market as fresh as possible . Ahhhhhhhhhhh yes the Amish life for me .LOL
They must have had advanced technology, mankind built an immense floating zoo out of nothing but wood that housed every single species of animal, and technology was advanced enough so that only eight people could take care of every last one of them. A few generations later mankind even built a tower that reached up to heaven itself! Please.
My view tends towards that of authors Charles Hapgood, Graham Hancock, Robert Bauval, Rand Flem Ath etc. That at a point in history the Antarctic was closer to the equator and richly inhabited by intelligent human and animal life, as a continent it would have all the things required for an advanced maritine civilisation to develop (and flourish), the fact that there are maps from the 1500's copied from older maps which clearly detail the Antartic as two islands (as well as mapping many other things around the world which we did not 'rediscover' until recently), with modern day accuracy and understanding of the precessional cycle, longitude & lattitude etc. In my mind there is no doubt that there was a highly advanced and highly human civilisation at some point in our pre history.
The theory of Charles Hapgood is that the earth's crust displaces every x number of years, (meaning that the outer skin of the earth rotates around the centre on the molten rock cushion in between) thus thrusting continents previously in warm climates into the freezing cold & vice versa, and explaining why an ice age happens... Perhaps not that an ice age happens everywhere at once, but that it happens in one point all of the time. The south pole is constantly in an ice age, it's just that if the earths crust moves, then the land mass under the south pole changes, and coveres land which was previously close to the equator with a sheet of ice.
The very fact that ancient maps exist showing the Antarctic as two islands (a fact only recently discovered by 21st century man) is testimony to someone knowing and someone having charted this fact at some point in the past, the reason there is no 'evidence' in the antarctic is because it is burried under 2 miles of ice, this being said though, the unexplained evidence left scattered around the world is pretty compelling.
To sum the whole ice sheet thing up, which makes more sense... The ice sheets are x many millions of years old and so the map makers who charted the Antarctic when it was two islands must have done so x many millions of years ago, or someone guessed the whole shape of the world with modern day accuracy and mapped things like coastlines and the amazon river, OR the ice sheets are just not as old as we think they are and someone mapped them say, 15,000 years ago... Bear in mind there are maps in existence (copied from older maps) which show the Antarctic as being only partly covered by ice, meaning that it was not and cannot have been so heavily covered with ice for as long as contemporary science would have us believe.
As to whether this civilisation had planes or aircraft as we do... I've no idea, but it's more than fair to say that they had as good an understanding of the universe, the precessional cycle, mathematics, longitude/lattitde as I said, that we do now, things that we only recently learned were known way back many thousands of years. It's a fact that there copies of ancient maps, mapping out things which we only recently found. It is also fact that the megalithic and undated stone monuments (undated because you cannot carbon 14 date natural stone) around the world were built with technology which we even today cannot duplicate. This is a fact cut and dry, it takes 21st century man many weeks to shift a single 200 tonn block of granite with the strongest cranes in the world, the setup to do such a task is mamoth, but at some point in history on our planet, there lived a people who did this by routine, with accuracy that even todays most brilliant stone masons cannot comprehend.
Further evidence of this the Sphynx at Giza, it is undated, though Egyptologysts try to give it a date around 4500 BC, and that is accepted and in all the books, but the truth of the matter is that it is a theoretical view based on some grafiti left there with a Pharoa's name on it, not on sound evidence, and the ego's of the Egyptological world will not hear otherwise, even though there is more evidence against the view. (reminds me of Planet of the apes).
When Geologists studied the weathering on the Sphynx, it was beyond doubt that the weathering was and could only have been caused by rainfall, and rainfall had not fallen in such copious amounts on the Giza plateu since earlier than 10,000 BC, as such there are two explanations... Either there was copious rainfall in Giza for an extended period of hundreds if not thousands of years iin 4500BC (if there were then all the other monuments at Giza would have the same weathering which they do not), or the Sphynx was built when Giza was a green with vegetation and rain was normal... My view is that the stone speaks for itself. The weathering proves the age of the monument is from a time before ours, built with a technology beyond ours.
So in answer to the question, do I believe that anceint humans once had advanced technology... yes.
I think mankind has amnesia and religons feeds it.