Who was the strangest JW you ever met?

by Preston 30 Replies latest jw friends

  • lordconquer

    I have the winner or should I say the WEIRDEST families I've ever met at the kingdom hall. When I was younger I used to play Atari a lot and it was the thing to do at a friends house if he had Atari too. I was visiting a friend once and he pulled out his Atari and we played all the games he had execpt one. He was not allowed to play Pac-Man. Why you might ask? It had ghosts in it and we all know how the society feels about ghosts and demons and demon possession. Anyway, I'm visiting another friend and his family is more strict when it comes to the societies teachings. He could Pac-Man but he could not play with GI Joe toys because it was about war. He could however play with star WARS toys which clearly had the word WAR in it. Anybody remember the big smurf scare of the 80's? Everybody was afraid of demon possessed smurfs and everybody had a story of how they knew someone who saw a smurf talk,walk across a room, or even the famous "a toy smurf answers the door while out in field service story". Growing up as a JW was too damn confusing for me.

  • jurs

    Hi, I knew a very VERY strange family here in Colorado. Before I was baptized I met this family and they had loads of advice and information for me. They were so strange that other brothers and sisters rolled their eyes behind their backs. From this family I learned about the evil smurfs and how at one hall a child brought a smurf and it ran down the aisle. Everything was wrong and evil. I learned not to by garage sale stuff from them and that almost all programs on t.v. were bad. THE STRANGEST thing they ever said was about their son-inlaw, who quit attending meetings several years before. They kept their granddaughters hamster at their house because they were afraid he would kill it !!! He killed animals!! They said "Thats what happens when someone leaves Jehovah ." He was soooo strange and was also a alcoholic and abusive to his wife and child. Now get this. The mother told her daughter "you made your bed now lie in it." They thought everything would be all better if he would just come back to the kingdom hall. Also they had gone to the elders about their son-inlaw and he is not DF'd. He is not shunned. jurs

  • malk

    My Congregation in Saratoga Springs was a wild one. The Mental Illness ran rampant in this place. Our Presiding overseer told Polock Jokes from the podium like they were going out of style. His name was Paul, we called him Polaroid Paul. I was 16, had an apartment of my own to get out of my concentration camp called home. I rented from another JW, who obviously had a key to my apartment. He didn't like how I lived (pretty sloppy, but hey I was 16 I had better things to do than clean,haha). Anyway, he gave a key to "Polaroid Paul" to check the place out. So Paul goes into my apartment, Illegally I might ad, and starts taking pictures to send to my parents in AZ. When the cops got there, they wanted to throw him in the slammer for breaking and entering (they knew and disliked him).....I chickened out, but it sure would have been a trip seeing that happen. This is the same guy who stood up on that stage preaching for what seemed like every day for my entire life, and yet was in major trouble for tax evasion. He really was a likable guy however, and he'll always hold a special place in my heart, he is responsible for my life as he talked my mother out of birth control pills when they were just studying back in '69. Unfortunate for me that I must carry his name as my middle, and I have the JW's to thank for my life....what a burden that is to carry. I was asked to be a best man at a wedding, but wasn't baptized, this posed a problem for the bride's father, since he was presiding overseer at a neighboring cong. I tried to make steps in my home cong for baptism, but they laughed at me, as I hardly attended, and hadn't been in field service in two years. So, what next? Hell, why not do things on the sly and have the bride's father push it thru in his congregation! So, I was baptized under false circumstances, and disfellowed a short time later. What a trip, no parents anymore, no grandparents for my children.....all for a wedding, and to please someone else. Funny thing is I had gotten in trouble for underage drinking, just a few weeks after I was sitting at the hall, and heard an experience, from the podium, and from a 'Brother' who was serving in Brooklyn. See, he was 18 or 19, and was in an elevator going to his dorm, and in the same elevator was no-one other than Fred Franz himself. Good ol' Freddy Freihofer asks Br. Kutcher up to his dorm, and of course he was excited, why not. Funny thing is Fred asked him up for a beer, and good ol' brother kutcher informed him that he was not of legal age....."Oh, don't worry about that, you're in Jehovah's house, we have our own rules!".....And of course everyone in the cong. laughed and laughed and thought it was soooo cute....and me, the devil's offspring sitting among them.....for doing the same exact thing! I guess you can only commit a crime in the Glory, or Shadow of the holy world headquarters! Or as I like to refer to it as the Brooklyn Brewery House.

    Matthew Hill
    Saratoga Springs, NY Congregation Refugee


  • Disengaged

    The strangest........man that's a tough one. So many of them are wackos

    FEELIN BEROEAN "Just making sure!"

  • individuals wife
    individuals wife

    I think the strangest one for me was a sister who was convinced that after Armageddon she would be given the ability to walk under water and look at all the fishes - without the need for diving equipment. She also loved telling people about the time she had an angel 'in disguise' come to her house once and gave her money when she was a bit broke. Strange woman - never could quite work her out!

  • hippikon
    she had an angel 'in disguise' come to her house once and gave her money when she was a bit broke.

    LOL I had an angel come in disguise once and sell me some encyclopaedias.

  • TweetieBird

    There are just WAY too many to list.

    I thought being weird was a requirement for baptism.

  • Bendrr

    Well, I always thought I was the weirdest person I ever met.
    Let's see....
    My great-great-uncle Oliver. Now in his 90's and never married and as far as anyone knows also a virgin. When I was still in, he was in his 70's and hitting on teenage sisters at the conventions. Perfectly acceptable really since in Georgia, 16 is legal to marry and think about how things were in his day anyway. Glad I learned to always stay within sight distance of the old coot at conventions, I got some phone numbers that way.
    He never really took to the new donation arrangement. He had 25 cents per magazine firmly fixed in his head. Told the householders the magazines were free to read but he contributed 25 cents each for them and if they'd like to give a quarter apiece it would cover the cost of printing.
    They all did, hey he was an old man out in the heat.
    He lived in a trailer that to my knowledge no witness had ever seen the inside of. His niece, my great-aunt Merle lived behind him and when he drove her to meetings he made her ride in the back seat.
    Wouldn't eat anything with sugar. When he went to Hardee's for his morning coffee, he would hand them his mason jar 3/4 full of hot water to put just enough coffee in to taste then he would top it off with creamer.
    When he opened the Service Meeting, during the song he would sing right into the microphone and once the song was over he managed to avoid the mic totally when giving announcements. I can remember being a mic handler during the WT study and when he gave comments, he would grab the mic to talk, but never quite managed to get it close enough to be heard. It was always a wrestling match that everyone got a good laugh out of.
    His top speed in town and the highways was 35. On the Interstate, he pushed it to a blistering 45. (I passed him at over 100 once, boy did he go off on that!)
    Bless his heart, now he has Alzheimer's.

    "Well done, Blind Squirrel! You've found an impressive nut!

  • Number 6
    Number 6

    This French born bro. called Jean who had the most bonkers family of dysfunctional misfits you ever came across. His youngest daughter had a habit of asking the most inappropriate questions at the book study. Like during the Family Book (remember that!!) she stuck up her hand and asked: "What is a sexual urge?" No, seriously. She is 17 at this time...

    Anyway this bloke made the excuse that he couldn't go out in the field service due to his bowel problems. To give any doubters proof that he indeed have bowel problems he used to vanish to the KH bathroom 2-3 times every meeting. It was said he couldn't last more that 30mins without going for a sit down. God help the poor soul who needed a crap after he had been in the khazi. It got to the point where the penny pinching cong. secretary had to spend more money on stronger disinfectant just to clean the toilet. The sisters ended up point blank refusing to do the gents toilet when they were on hall cleaning duty.

    The KH was rife with damp as it was and eventually before the whole KH was completely refurbished late '90 it got to the point where the smell of the hall was synonymous with the smell of him being at the toilet. (Yuk!) The cong library was adjacent to the gents and every time the glass doors to the ceiling high bookcase were opened a wave of nausea would hit you. Very little research done in our hall in the 70's and 80's!

    The strangest thing of all was that this guy despite having the most incomprehensible French accent was an authoritive and very interesting public speaker (the few times he was allowed on the platform.) In the 16 years in the Hall he wore the same clothes and the unkind amongst us said it was his fault the entire building had to be refurbished because of the smell.

    Absolutely true story.


    I am not a dub I am a free man.

  • Prisca

    The strangest JW I knew was a older bro (in this thread they mostly seem to be older brothers) who was rather autistic.

    He could do the most amazing mathematics in his head, yet he could not remember your name. He wrote down his field service time in a little notebook, right down to the last minute. He only washed once a week, so in the middle of summer you hoped you weren't picked to go witnessing with him.

    He loved gardening, and he had a little vege patch in the garden. He grew lots and lots of broadbeans, and would try to give away as many packets of his broadbeans wrapped in newspaper or an old bread bag.

    He didn't have a car, yet he would walk for miles to his return visits all around the town. A round trip would take him all day. If you did give him a lift anywhere, he would give you 20c for petrol money (during the 80s). Many pioneers got miffed at his seemingly stingeyness, so he raised the price to $1.00, but he soon forgot and reverted to 20c per ride, even if you had driven him around to his RVs all morning.

    He had never married, and had no family as far as anyone knew. He apparently had been orphaned at a young age. I think he is still alive, no doubt still walking around with his leather briefcase filled with Watchtowers and packets of home-grown broad beans.

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