My son answered the door this morning. The couple that my Mr.Horton and I had been studying with when we were considering going back to the truth finally got ahold of him. The did the usual routine. "How are you doing". "We miss You"."If you ever want to come to the Kingdom hall without your mom and dad, we would be happy to come and get you". I am just boiling with anger right about now. They are a bunch of controlling freaks. They make me so mad. My mom has been pulling this kind of crap with my son for 13 years now. He has finally told me that he doesn't want to be a witness. The other day we were over at my parents for a visit and she was after my son about not praying before he eats. I'm sorry but this kind of stuff gets under my skin. Who is she to tell my son what to do. I haven't been over there since. I really don't know what I believe right now. I don't pray before meals anymore. I don't pray at all. I feel like I'm going to have to step up and talk to them, the JW's who frequent my house, because this is getting out of hand. What do you think? I would love to hear your input? I can't believe they actually approached my son. Man alive! RHCP!!!!! I feel like a MOMMA BEAR who wants to protect her cub!
The JW's came to the door today and asked my son to go to meetings
by redhotchilipepper 34 Replies latest jw friends
$%^$^%&^&*,..that makes me mad, too!! Who do they think they are....God??...well close to that...
That's horrible about your mom feeling the need to tell YOUR son what he needs to do...that's not right. Gosh, I don't know what to tell you as far as advice goes, though, because I don't have any family in the org..and the Witnesses I studied with and saw at the meetings evidentally don't miss me enough to try and re-convert me.
Could you discuss this with your mom without it turning into a bad arguement? If not, I guess the best way to handle it is just like you did...ya said you haven't been back there since. Hopefully if she doesn't see you for a while she;ll realize she crossed the line.
Sorry...that all really sucks
luv ya girl
RHCP, sorry you are having so much trouble!
Your post implies your son is at least 13; sounds like he may be old enough to explain, very matter-of-factly, why YOU think WTBTS is pure BS, and that if he feels the same way then he can say a polite buy firm "No Thank You" to his Grandma, visiting elders, etc.
~Quotes -
Hi Chris, That makes me so upset that they are doing that to your son and you too!
Gosh, cant they take the hint!!! I guess not, huh!I think its time for you to make your boundries clear, otherwise you will never have peace.
They will always be after you and your son to "come back".Im sorry that you are having a hard time right now, things will get better as soon as you draw
the line and move forward.Im here for you sweetie!
why not put a sign on your door "no Jehovah's" (under the doorbell)
it works great.
During the rare occasions that I went in field service - we never bothered the ones in a house marked with that sign......
I only pressed the doorbel when I had to be there un officially - and in some cases I apologised (sp): " sorry that I called, I am a Jehovah's Witness but that's not what I am calling for"
How ridiculous can you be.................
Thanks for your replies! I'm glad I'm not the only one that feels this is total bull crap. I can't sleep because it is totally bothering me. The borg control has got to stop. I'm going to phone the Elder that I studied with and tell him to back off in as polite a way as possible. I'm going to say look buddy back off and call off the troops. I will be polite and tactfull. If that doesn't work, then I am to the point where I will just tell them all to bleep off. This is ridiculous!!!! Hey Monkey Princess, I've been thinking of you. I'm glad you replied to my thread. I hope you are doing ok, sweety. Take care ok. I'll talk to you soon. Sorry I haven't gotten ahold of you. My life has been crazy lately. Thanks all. love RHCP/P.S. I'll just use my depression as an excuse of some kind of B>S like that. I'll say don't call me, I'll call you. One of those lines that guys like to use at the bars.
If it were me I would consider calling the police. Your child is a minor and they have no right to come over and tell your kid they will come and take him ANYWHERE without his parents.
This may sound extreme, but what if they were able to manage to convince him to be a witness-you would lose your kid the same as if he were kidnapped.
It's time for a court order!
AK - Jeff
It's time for a court order!
To me this sounds a little extreme. Remember these people think they are saving lives - that God has put them up to it. Sounds like your son has already stated that he doesn't want to be a witness, so why not let him tell them that?
If he rides on 'your conviction' there is no power there. In that case he is just being manipulated by you instead of them. You certainly have the right to 'direct' him. But I would think that to force the issue he might go the way you do not wish him to. Especially at this age.
Good opportunity to bond with a teenage son maybe. Spend quality time (not that you don't already, I am sure you do) and he will draw to you and away from the things you dislike, naturally. He is old enough to understand the reasons you have rejected the organization - so a nice long talk (calmly presented) about that will prob seal the deal. Then he will resist on his power - and his conviction -.
As for the local elders - try this - next time they come over, invite them in. Sit down and when they get nice and comfortable bring out one of Raymond Franz' books - hand it to the elder and ask him to read and give his opinion. They will run like a swamp-rat in a sewer fire. If not -and he actually reads it - maybe you will be the one to help another lost witness out of the Borg.
Just the thoughts or an old dad and grandpa - wish you well with this -
It's time for a court order!
i don't think that's extreme... it's pretty valid to do that. i remember some people going to court because of some unacceptable door-to-door incidents, and this actually makes people in and outside of the org think. publishers are more careful after such a thing - making preaching even less attractive than it is anyway. -
YOU are the parent, you are responsible for your son, this really pisses me off. They want to come and pick him up? No way.