Has anyone sucessfully talked a JW into quiting?

by JustTickledPink 21 Replies latest jw friends

  • JustTickledPink

    My mother doesn't speak to me although she will exchange emails with me. We actually don't communicate much, but recently I sent her a few emails detailing things are wrong with the Watchtower Society. Her responses are laughable... but I am still printing out articles and mailing them to her about the UN scandle, she of course doesn't believe it.

    But has anyone sucessfully made any headway talking to a dyed in the wool JW and made any progress? I'm at the point that I don't want her preaching to me, so I am sure she doesn't want me preaching to her. She's 61 years old, she's been a witness for 30 years and she is truly one of the whole-hearted believers. Absolutely believes everything, never misses a meeting, and has pioneered on and off for years as her circumstances and health permits. This is everything to her, her entire reason for living.

    I just wonder has anyone ever sucessfully talked sense into a family member like this?

  • Balsam

    Yes me, someone too the time to show me what was wrong with the JW's and it gradually made inroads. I was a died in the wool JW for 30 years. Your Mom is not without hope. Isn't there something that she really doesn't like about say the Elders, or behavior of the so called brothers and sister?

    I have helped 5 people to leave JW since leaving myself. It takes time and patience, and most of all not making them frightened of you. When I left I was able to get both my children out of the witnesses, but two people I've met over the internet who had questions about blood policy.

    It'sfunny I've been more successful helping people leave then I was helping them to get in. I only brought 4 of them into it, including my two sons.


  • Purza

    Wow JTP! Your situation sounds exactly like mine. My mother communicates with me via email and that is about it. She is around the same age and has been a JW for about 40 years. My mother's emails are laughable as well and I don't even share with her half of what I know! I don't even read them half the time as she has now resorted to quoting scriptures. Whatever!

    And no, I have had no success in "helping" a family member leave. Although I dream about the day just one of my friends or family finally sees the light and leaves that organization.


  • Incense_and_Peppermints
    And no, I have had no success in "helping" a family member leave. Although I dream about the day just one of my friends or family finally sees the light and leaves that organization.

    hmm..maybe WE should go door-to-door and try to convert THEM. i mean i almost consider it my civic duty... (wonders how long they'd sit still for worldy people knockin on their doors tellin them stuff they don't wanna hear...)

  • mkr32208
    I don't even read them half the time as she has now resorted to quoting scriptures.

    I think your making a mistake here, this is the most fun part! Witlesses are thrilled with how much they know about the bible! (or think they do!) She is not going to read quotes you send even if they are direct from the watchtower right! So you need to beat her with the bible!

    Just flat tell her I will agree to read the scriptures that you send if you agree to read the scriptures I send! Absolutly no outside source materials and not the nwt bible. Most witlesses can't resist this because they think they are so smart... Then start hitting her with any of the bible post that are here is won't be long till she says "I won't do this anymore!!!!!" Now that sounds like a bad thing but its actually good because thats the kind of admission that eats at a jehover like cancer... "I'm suppose to be this bible expert yet I got dusted, how can that be..." May just bring her around, never know! If you try to bring them around with "apostate stuff" they will never come!

  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff

    Like Balsam, I too was a dyed in the wool JW for 30 years -

    We actually (Mrs AK included) took ourselves out - but it was thru this medium of Internet and becoming aware of things hidden that we discovered the deception and left -

    I was able to bring about 7 persons into the 'truth' - most of them have died or left on thier own now.

    I am trying to work on my cousin - who has been my best friend for most of that 30 years - but he is resistant so far. I have avoided getting DF'd for his sake only - otherwise I would not care - I have told him that, with a view to softening the blow should they DF me quickly. Otherwise, I have not been allowed much contact with former witnesses - I, of the let's gossip him into being 'shunned' class -

    I do take whatever opportunities to speak at length with all Df'd persons I meet up with - I know they will enjoy having a conversation with someone who knows the system - and I hope to be able to get them to see the light before they get reinstated. I have actually had some wonderfull conversations with a few of them - after they get over the shock of me talking to them like a real human being -


  • M.J.

    Wow Balsam. You are a superstar! I pray I have what it takes to accomplish what you have done. I need to get through to my wife. But I think I'm on the right track as I am being honest and open-minded and allowing her to not feel threatened by me. I've learned not to make a frontal attack on the WTS. I really haven't asked her about what things bother her about the society, but I will try to.

    One thing I have had success with so far in making my wife more approachable was together reading the Nov 22 1984 Awake! articles, " An Open or a Closed Mind?Which Do You Have"? and, " Six Benefits From an Open Mind". There are many articles with messages which you can use to suit your purpose, because the WTS often sends conflicting messages.

    Now I am concentrating at demonstrating the scholastic dishonesty of some of the publications, under the guise of studying the topics discussed in them.

    I hope this leads me down the right path...

  • eyeslice

    Not yet.

    I tread carefully on this issue as I have family still in and I don't want to get disfellowshipped for apostacy! Not been to a meeting for a year now but the ties are still there. Getting myself out has been a big step.


  • Preston


    My mom who knows that I peruse this website asked me the other day "if there was anything she should know that the organization is doing wrong?"

    ...hmmmmmmmm...you guys think I have a chance?

  • whyamihere

    I haven't really.

    I want to but then again I don't want to screw up and them shunning me.

    They are smart. I hope they figure it out. I will say a few things every now and then. I just need a few points to say to them along the way.

    Brooke WI

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