Well I fianally saw the orthopedic surgeon the other day and from the results of my latest tests and x-rays my left hip and right knee need to be replaced as soon as possible. My hip is so bad, and that explains why I have been in such tremendous pain.
So this Wednesday coming up I am going to the hospital for a floroscopy with cortisone both in my hip and knee. Would you believe it that its the left hip and right knee that need replacing. Now why couldn't it have been in the same leg. Only me.!!
And this surgeon is sending me to another surgeon who soully works on hips only. Due to the fact that I am a big orangefatcat I know the doctor is going to speak to me about my weight. However the other surgeon I saw said its pretty impossible to do any exercising when you can't even walk. I didn't know if I should laugh or cry...I cried. But if they can fix me up some what I will be very happy and as for the rest of my spine there is nothing they can do to fix the spinal stenosis.
Well I just wanted to tell you all why I haven't been online as much as before as the pain is just too much. But today I am pushing myselt a little harder so I can try and catch up with what is going on in JWD; Boy I have missed posting and reading its been really dishearting for me. But I love all of you who email me and send me cards. Your all just to wonderful.
I thank God for all of you and so my wish for all of you is that each and everyday you all have something good and happy happen to you and yours.
All my love