Voted Best and most friendly female on the forum-Jokester

by redhotchilipepper 14 Replies latest jw friends

  • redhotchilipepper

    Candidlynuts-She's our Girl!!!!!! Go Candy!!!

  • Valis

    My vote is split between FMZ and the sexy Sixofnine...


    District Overbeer "Judge of the Acts & Numbers" class

  • Stefanie
    Candidlynuts-She's our Girl!!!!!! Go Candy!!!

    she has made me smile so many times!

  • redhotchilipepper

    I voted Candidly nuts as the funniest girl on the forum or at least tied with all the other funny girls. There now I won't hurt any others peoples feelings because she always puts a big smile on my face. She has pulled me out of a blue mood so many times with her funny jokes and antics. Your a funny and silly gal Candidlynuts.Thanks for being you. That's why I dedicated this thread to you. I've heard you say a few times that the witnesses never noticed you. They never noticed when you left. Well here is one girl who has noticed you and I know that and I'm sure that many others on this forum have noticed you and love you very much the way that I do. Remember that My little smartass. TEEHEE. OR was it badass. I don't recall! Take care my friend. You are thought of alot. Say hi to your main man for me too. I hope he is doing ok. LOVE RHCP. I hope that I have put a little sunshine in your Day, you deserve it!!!

  • Brummie

    ...and a bundle of fun she is too


  • frenchbabyface

    Well I could vote for a few more (but sorry I don't feel to get into listing)

    Lets me just say this to at least emphasis about your choice : I agree with this ONE !!! Candy would be on my liste !

  • Incense_and_Peppermints

    her avatar alone always makes me smile or chuckle, and i did notice how funny and sweet she is.

    i luv people like that...

  • Mulan
    My vote is split between FMZ and the sexy Sixofnine...


  • candidlynuts

    voted funny or funny looking?

    red you just give me too many openings lmao i'm your sidekick!

  • seeitallclearlynow

    Yes, I agree, candidlynuts is wonderful!

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