I grew up with a mother who had / has schizophrenia. It is ESSENTIAL to maintain close contact with him so he will not get "lost in the shuffle" and end up downtown, filthy and muttering to himself until he freezes to death. trust me, this happens fast. He needs to get treatment. And I strongly recommend not "getting him on welfare" as someone else suggested. He has a disability and should get help applying for a pention. If he goes on welfare he'll be stuck living in a room someone and will fall into the homeless / streetperson lifestyle. I'm not trying to stereotype here or say people on welfare are any certain way. But people with mental illness often wind up in deplorable situations without help from family.
My brother was committed last week
by hoodwinked 13 Replies latest jw friends
I work with the mentally ill and would recommend a few things:
- you didn't say where you were located, but if it's in the US then disability is what your brother needs, not welfare
- contact your local social services agencies (Lutheran Social Services, Catholic Community Services, etc.) and find out what resources are available for both him and you - possibly a group home for him and defnitely a support group for you!
- he needs a case worker from the State to coordinate everything
Best wishes, and thank god he has you to help him - Kitties
Thanks everyone for the kind words and the advice, it is much appreciated. I will be visiting him this evening and I will have more info on his condition. I will update this thread if anyone is interested.
Cold Red Rain: I will PM you as soon as I know how he is doing. Possibly this evening. Your advice would certainly prove valuable.
Thanks again everyone!
sorry to hear about your brother... I wish I had ideas for you but I have no experience in this direction..
but you have a shoulder here.. and a listening ear if you need it