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How old do you feel
by Scorpion 36 Replies latest jw friends
Thanks! [8>] Just needed to remember how VERY old I am! LOL! fun sight.
I feel 47. It's a mighty fine age to be. I don't believe, right this minute, I'd pick any other for me.
I have a bday coming up soon, so I had to take a look. Thanks for the link, and here is my infoYou said your birthday is 7 / 24 / 1974
which means you are 26 years old and about:
57 years 9 months younger than Walter Cronkite, age 84
54 years 2 months younger than Pope John Paul II, age 81
50 years 1 month younger than George Herbert Bush, age 77
42 years 10 months younger than Barbara Walters, age 69
40 years 8 months younger than Larry King, age 67
34 years 6 months younger than Ted Koppel, age 61
31 years 1 month younger than Geraldo Rivera, age 58
28 years 1 month younger than President G.W. Bush, age 55
23 years 0 months younger than Jesse Ventura, age 49
18 years 9 months younger than Bill Gates, age 45
14 years 1 month younger than John Elway, age 41
8 years 5 months younger than Cindy Crawford, age 35
3 years 0 months younger than Jeff Gordon, age 29
1 year 5 months older than Tiger Woods, age 25
7 years 4 months older than Jenna and Barbara Bush, age 19
and that you were:
23 years old when Princess Diana died
20 years old at the time of Oklahoma City bombing
19 years old when O. J. Simpson was charged with murder
18 years old at the time of the bombing of the World Trade Center
16 years old when Operation Desert Storm began
15 years old during the fall of the Berlin Wall
11 years old when the space shuttle Challenger exploded
9 years old when Apple introduced the Macintosh
8 years old during Sally Ride's travel in space
6 years old when Pres. Reagan was shot by John Hinckley, Jr.
5 years old at the time the Iran hostage crisis began
a 1 year old on the U.S.'s bicentennial Fourth of July
not yet 1 year old when President Nixon left officeI remember all of the events above, except for the bicentenial Fourth of July, I doubt my parents celebrated though...lol
wendyBlind faith can justify anything~Richard Dawkins, The selfish gene
scorpian, thanks! love this kinda stuff
i was gonna post my results but well, they are pretty much the same as yours, except by a few months...lol. my birthday is 04/16/75
i remember everything except the bicentennial too (of course, 'rents wouldn't have celebrated either).like the new pic wendy
harmony"If God has spoken, why is the world not convinced?"
..........Percy Bysshe Shelley, English poet (1792-1822) -
Hey this was pretty cool!! And Comf... I only feel 35!! woohoo!!
Harmony and Wendy, I remember the bicentennial celebrations...while still in school that year, I was the ONLY kid in the entire school who didn't get to go see the Freedom Train or whatever it was called when it rolled through our town. I had to stay in the library the entire school day which actually wasn't too much of a hardship as I love to read!! But I still remember that feeling of everyone else getting to go and, as usual, I couldn't join in. I am so glad that my kids don't have to go through that!! C'mon ladies...let's dance!!!
"A single event can awaken within us a stranger totally unknown to us. To live is to be slowly born."
Antoine de Saint-Exupery -
With my fingers and toes... how do YOU feel... oh, ah, er... you asked how OLD do I feel. Well, let's see...
Older than yesterday... younger than tomorrow.
Older than last year... younger than next year.Peace!
Gosh! I'm exactly 50 years younger than Zsa Zsa Gabor.
Think I'm in with a chance?
Yay! Another '75er.
"Most people would rather die than think; in fact, they do so."
..........Bertrand Russell -
Glad all of you are having fun with this.
I was born 10/4/57
I still feel great.