Yes indeed! As always I must agree with old Grumblestiltskin!!!
Are we having an impact on the WTS?
by Maverick 33 Replies latest jw friends
Absolutely. Can you IMAGINE the impact if the internet had been around when Ray Franz and all the others from Bethel were given the boot? I remember when it happened. We were just told that Fred Franz's nephew had turned "apostate" and was now part of the Evil Slave Class. We were also told that he had tricked "others" into following him, that they were picketing outside of Brooklyn Bethel and that they were trying to cause division within the Organization. 24 years ago, we found this disturbing, but since we had no access to any other information, we had no choice but to believe the official version of events.
Can you imagine them trying to pawn that shit off on everyone now?
The net has threatened many other publishing companies and cults as well. We have a very powerful medium to let the facts be known and we're distributed across the globe so let them try and target each and every site.
If I only had the public and school libraries to go on, I'd never have heard about the UN scandal, or the Jimmy Swaggart/donation arrangement connection.
The means of internet communication itself has reduced the impact of DF'ing. Now no DF'd person need be all alone and have to turn back to the KH in desperation for friendship.
franklin J
I do believe this website and any other support group is a help to recovering JWs; however I do not think it will dent or even damage the WT hold on their members.
Absolutey yes, the EX-JW on the internet have helped others who find themselves on the way out or out. We are a huge support to each other. I know it took me a matter of a year rather than years to deprogram because of availing myself to information on the internet and these boards.
YES. I've been out for many years, DA'ed over their prophets, but not since I corresponded via the boards and meetups, have I been able to resolve many issues that were lurking and others closeted. Thank you all!
Doubtfully Yours
There's no doubt in my mind that the Internet and websites such as this one are putting a huge dent in the WTBTS.
No longer can they conceal their little schemes and real motives.
I have been a huge internet fan for YEARS! but have to say it had nothing to do with my reasons for leaving 10 years ago. I never even looked into the subject until recently (mainly because I have free time on my hands that I never had before) but now that I am here and have read numerous things I am convinced that yes, it does make a difference.
But this is, I am sure, still a relatively small group compared to all the others who have left that have never gotten on the net. There are many people still out there without computers that just silently know and have left.
Marvin Shilmer
The online world is the WTS' Vietnam.
The decentralized nature of online contributors makes it impossible for the WTS to combat, or to defeat. This is all the more true when contributors offer factual information that is damning to WTS doctrine, policies, practices and operations.
The GB has been frustrated to a maddening degree several times over the past decade because of information made public on online forums.
Child abuse
Silencing whistle blowers
Breakup of families
Lying about its history
Disfellowshipping members for speaking what is true
Coddling the likes of the German Nazi government
Refusing to openly discuss issues of complaint
Closed judicial processesEach of these issues has caused unimaginable frustration within GB sessions. This is why BG members refuse detailed media interviews unless questions are given and approved in detail and in advance. Since the questions everyone wants answers to are outside the GB's ability to answer rationally, all these requested interviews are declined. The material principle at work is: Even the stupid can appear wise if they remain silent.
Marvin Shilmer