The Cat is definatly my favorite pet ... (felines are my favorits - if I can say that I have favourits, Dolphins, Elephant, Gorillaz got a bit of my heart for some reasons, horses too ...
Do you like cats?
by ozziepost 39 Replies latest social current
I have always had cats, usually two at a time but now only one as she's a "one cat family" cat and can't stand any competition. I'm also especially fond of horses, but had to find another home for mine last year when I became too ill to look after her myself.
Cats are genetically closer to humans than dogs are, but not as close as chimpanzees. I didn't grow up with cats. After we got married Mr.Panda bought me a cat. She lived for 20 years. We now live way out in farm country and we have barn cats... a very useful critter. They start catching mice and rats at less than 2 mos old (pretty good, huh?) The snakes don't like the cats which works out fine because we mostly have poisonous snakes around us. Sometimes a kitten gets orphaned for whatever reason and I have taken them in and fed them. They sometimes become part time house cats, but the outdoors is really where they prefer to be until they get real old. We also have a big 20 pounder who was on her way to the pound when I said I'd take her. I guess because she's never had that cat colony socialization she really hates the other cats. These farm cats raise each others kittens. Even sharing nursing. It is amazing to me! We have a big male who'd kind've the patriarch (we call him Charly). He has always been very tame and wants pets and human attention. He was probably dumped by someone.
Soooooo we have fixed up a part of our back porch for those felines who can no longer make it in the field and barn world.
We also have 3 Great Pyrenees dogs. Very big and of their own minds. People who own Pyrs laugh whenever someone suggests training them. You can't. They protect whatever they bond to as pups. In our case that apparently includes a skunk who I caught eating with our bug male Pyr in the middle of the night. They're great with goats and sheep and llamas(I miss my llama who died last month). The llama had actually raised these 3 dogs from puppy hood. When he died the 2 females would not leave his body. The male dog was really confused and we all mourned together.
About China: Taipei, Taiwan is the Republic of China and their laws are not anywhere near the Peoples Republic of CHina (Mainland China). If you own a pet in Beijing or ShangHai you must pay a tax yearly on the animal. Thats partly why they are such a prestige symbol. Those pets are guarded by their owners. Most of the pet dogs are what we call pekinese only larger than US pekes. There are some CHou dogs (lion dogs) but I rarely saw them. The dogs which are eaten are raised to be eaten and they are a specific breed.The rats which are eaten are also raised to be guinea pigs in Peru. People in China do not eat their pets. And those burials have probably risen in recent years because if you live in an apartment you only have public areas to bury your pet. Shoot in Beijing you could probably dig up zillions of deceased pet birds. Speaking of which; the bird owners literally take their birds for walks to the parks. They get to visit with other caged birds... it's pretty amazing that it is mainly the men who do this. I never saw a stray dog in a city in China. But now that Hong Kong is back in the fold I'm sure there are some there.
Love 'em! My two black kittygers:
aww...Panda...just read your post. Sorry about your lama. Amazing how animals will bond cross-species, isn't it?
love cats...always had one.
Nancy Drake
Do I like cats? Brummie's avatar gives me no choice!
Cats definitely. The barking dogs next door I would love to send to China. I often wonder if there is a law against it. I've threatened in my own mind to call someone about it, but I don't want to cause my neighbor any trouble so I have endured.
Cats are awesome! I can't remember how I lived before I got one. ::thinks a minute:: Or before she got me. ...Well, whichever way it happened, I'm grateful. Isn't she cute?
~Rochelle and Princess Kuja.
This is Sinnamon...