Honestly, are you a better person now or were you a "better" person when you were a JW?
Are You a "Better" Person Since You've Left The Witnesses???
by minimus 22 Replies latest jw friends
Better now.
Doubtfully Yours
I'm the same. Good person while a devoted JW, and still a good person now that I have less biases.
I've seen people be total jerks while JWs, and total jerks now that they're no longer JWs.
No, I'm not a "better" person, and I'm not a "worse" person either. I do what I perceive to be better things and I feel more content and fulfilled.
franklin J
yes, I am.
I no longer have the "elder in training" attitude that I am superior due to Jehovahs choice and direction.
I try very hard to keep an open mind in everything. I have actually learned to think for myself and make my own decisions. And those decisions are not based on the Watchtower Societies "new light".
I respect everyones faith....and when I have any kind of religious discussion ( with anyone OTHER than the JWs) I approach it with an open mind ( this vs the "closed mind" I had going door to door in my other pioneer life)
My attention is no longer focused on only those who religiously beleive like me. From my initial departure from JWland; if was obvious to me that I was to become part of a much larger scheme of events; in other words, I found my place in the "world" and made myself fit in.
I realize that I never had and never will have ALL THE ANSWERS; and that my mortality is limited ( I am not going to live forever). Once that was put into perspective and accepted;my life took on a routine like every other human being; all of us on the same journey; all deserving of respect.
Honestly, are you a better person now or were you a "better" person when you were a JW?
far far far far far better... (no explanation necessary)
Frank, after meeting you, I can say, I'm glad you are who you are!
JW's are not "better poeple or worse people". They are simply very different from the rest of the world.
Better? Well.....by the JW's standards I'm probably so far gone I have no chance of being considered a better person...especially when the Big 'A' arrives. In all honestly though i think I'm better if that involves having a more fulfilling life than trying to force a prophecy into fulfillment, and taking a more personal approach to my spirituality rather than letting a company do it for me.
I wouldn't say that I'm a better person. I'm the same person. I just feel better in every way!