You would have had me disfellowshipped - that's for sure!!!
Does anyone know what an S-8 is? (hands up)
by slimboyfat 15 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
SBF:Yeah. Everyone here who was DF'ed ot DA'ed had one written about them.
I got to fill my own one in, the night before I DA'ed - LOL
Clever..... Nice touch saved them the paperwork
I got to fill my own one in, the night before I DA'ed - LOL
ROTFLMAO!! How many people here can say that?
How many people here can say that?
That's great! You've got real class, LT!!
Heh, how's about we start photocopying a few thousand, just changing the name each time? That'd be a hoot, eh?
get a bunch and write in the names of your favorite elders and send 'em to headquarters
- house-to-house record
- The S-8 form, used mostly to record {not-at-homes} and other pertinent field service data. Some people use them to record interest found, and transfer them directly to their {call books}. Sometimes it is called a ``not-at-home record''. In England it is usually called the S-8. <<Brothers, don't forget to pick up a supply of S-8s before leaving for the {ministry}.>>