HAPPY BIRTHDAY, DANSK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

by Alleymom 50 Replies latest jw friends

  • SheilaM

    Ian I am so glad I am on JWD so I can wish you a fabtabulous Birthday ((((((((((((((Huggggggggggggggggggggggzzzzzzzzzzz))))))))))))))))))))

  • Alleymom


    Sorry for all the edits, Ian. I was trying to paste something in, and it didn't work :-(

    Are you awake yet??? So tell us, are you going to indulge with a bit of cake today (carrot cake <s>?) or are you going to be on your usual spartan diet? Inquiring minds want to know!


  • StinkyPantz

    Oh.. I just now saw this. Happy B-day Dansk!!

  • Fe2O3Girl

    Dear Ian,

    I hope you have a fabulous birthday, and wish you many happy returnsof the day!!

    Rachel xx

  • frenchbabyface

    Happy Birthday Ian !!!

  • Earnest

    Welcome to Club 51

  • Maya

    Happy Birthday Ian!!

    I hope you have a wonderful day!

    ((((((Ian and Family)))))

  • Dansk

    Dear All,

    What a truly splendid surprise! Thank you, (((((((Marjorie))))))), for starting the thread!

    Claire and I have just been shopping for my organic produce. I came home to find an e-mail from Marjorie telling me about this thread. You guys are just awesome! Claire and I love you all!!

    Claire bought me a pair of leather gardening boots, which is just what I wanted!! Karl bought me a pair of headphones so that I can listen to various types of music lying in bed and Dominic bought me the second series of Cheers, a series I love. The dogs (Rosie and Sally) bought me a bar of organic chocolate and sent me a lovely card (don't know how they managed it ). I genuinely had no idea what presents I was going to receive. It has all been lovely!

    An added bonus was that a Japanese bird magazine was delivered this morning and an article I wrote has been published in it - all in Japanese! This is the second time the magazine has published my work and it really pleases me that I'm being read virtually worldwide now.

    Please take time out to congratulate yourselves. I truly mean it when I say you have ALL inspired me to fight my illness. There was a time when I seriously didn't know if I'd make today. YOU pulled me through. I shall be forever grateful.

    Thank you for making this birthday so special. I am absolutely delighted to be able to share it with all my friends on JWD. You are my family!!



  • gumby

    Dansk..... it gives pleasure BOTH WAYS to know our friendship has helped you and your family.

    Maybe sometime you could post some of what you have written......unless you have already and I missed it. The older I get the more I like things similar to bird watching.....or anything that doesn't require much physical energy......like golf

    Once again....Happy Birthday buddy.


  • ozziepost

    Happy, happy birthday, Ian!!!

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