Comparing molested children to prostitutes.

by avishai 23 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse

  • avishai

    Here is an excerpt from the "beware the voice of strangers" talk from the 2003 district convention. This part is obviously referring to the "Dateline" special. Notice how they subtly compare the victims with prostitution and insinuate that they are immoral? It's hardly surprising, as I've seen these jerks df a 14 year old girl while the 30 year old man who slept with her only got private reproof. Still, it's a new low

    Sad to say, these very, extremely wicked opposers of Jehovah, and of truth, have succeeded in affecting the spiritual balance of quite a few of our brothers and sisters, who have listened to their poisonous propaganda. In fact, in one congregation in a local circuit, eight publishers were very shaken just a few months ago, because of watching an apostate-promoted TV documentary. And this was in spite of the fact that, that very week, the elders had set aside ten minutes of the service meeting, a couple of days before the documentary was aired, to warn the brothers that it was going to be on, and they used material from the Faithful and Discreet Slave to help them to see why it would be dangerous to watch it. And in spite of that, eight publishers were very shaken because they did watch it.
    So those affected in such ways have not heeded the warnings to beware of the voice of apostate strangers.
    Proverbs chapter 5 and verse three describes another Stranger. Let's look at that together. Proverbs chapter 5 and verse 3. "For as a honeycomb the lips of a strange woman keep dripping. And her palate is smoother than oil." So you notice there, friends, the stranger here is referred to as a "strange woman".

    Now who could that woman be? Well, notice in chapter 7 and verse 5, he continues. He's talking here in the context of verse 5 about the need to develop wisdom and understanding. Why? Well verse 5 says, "to guard you against the woman stranger, against the foreigner who has made her own sayings smooth." In verse 21, "she has misled him by the abundance of her persuasiveness, by the smoothness of her lips, she seduces him ."

    Sorry for the hard to read post, maybe a mod could edit it? I'm having a tough time with it. The talk in it's entirety can be found here

    corrected formatting by request ~ Scully

  • gumby

    Hey bro....I'm prolly braindead tonight but I didn't see where the "victims" of abuse were compared to anything. I saw warning against the subtle ways of a prostitute, and how watching shows backed by apostates shook up 8 publishers, but no mention of abuse victims.


  • avishai

    The point is, they threw out the "A" word liberally with that show. It was'nt an apostate show. It was an expose by people who did'nt want kids to keep being raped. Bill bowen was still a jw while it was being filmed. Barb anderson may have been too. It was a show with mostly victims of child molestation, not apostates. They are comparing the victims who brought this out, made their cover ups public, with whores. It's subtle, but it's there. I could be wrong,. however.

    What it says to me is "You better not say anything about being hurt like us, or you will be branded a whore"

  • candidlynuts
    the elders had set aside ten minutes of the service meeting, a couple of days before the documentary was aired, to warn the brothers that it was going to be on, and they used material from the Faithful and Discreet Slave to help them to see why it would be dangerous to watch it

    nice of them to spend 10 minutes warning people not to watch dateline.. its more time than theyve spent warning parents of pedophiles that may be in the congregation.

  • toladest

    I agree, I see the connection very clearly. It's funny that they mention 8 people were shaken because they watched it. OF COURSE THEY WERE! They saw for themwselves the WTS lying and showing a totally careless attitude toward victims when they did not know they were being taped. If I were still a JW I think that talk would have made me curious as to what could shake these people up so badly.

    What is really said is that there are people that watched it and maybe even believed it but just excused it away as men being imperfect. My mother is one of those people. She knows about Dan Fitzwater, having known him personally. She knows he was guilty as charged. She knows he is out of prison now. She knows that he is required as a witness in good standing, to go door to door. She knows I was DFed for questioning the way the situation with him was handled. (never DFed or reproved) But she just won't let herself believe that the WTS has done anything wrong....

    Boggels my mind.

  • Incense_and_Peppermints

    beware of the voice of apostate strangers.

    actually, i think they were saying that the "voice of strangers" is as "seductive" as a prostitute...

  • candidlynuts

    welcome toladest.. it'd be neat to hear more of your story if/when you feel like sharing. i find it hard as well that people in my family have more faith in the wtbs than they do in God.

  • toladest

    Candidlynuts, I just sent you a note to your message box. I am actually not new here but lost my log-in and password and had to start over. I have not posted here in a long time. I see a lot of new names here. Nice to meet you. Some people may remember me, but I can't remember what my old user name was.

  • PinTail

    I know its sick reasoning, most any human being in their right mind could see that it lacks all reason.

    Shane, aparent of abused daughter, in the so called Trooff.

  • avishai

    OK, this part got cut out in the edit.

    Does it not seem clear that this immoral woman it's talking about here is referring to a prostitute, who uses smooth and sweet words to lure people into immorality. Well, the fact is, quite a few of our brothers and sisters have been lured into immorality in recent years. Was it worth it? What price did they have to pay for allowing themselves to be lured into immorality? Well, first of all, hopefully, they experienced a troubled conscience. And what else? Could they also have experienced, at least the sisters, and it would affect the brothers as well, an unwanted pregnancy? Have they perhaps acquired a sexually transmitted disease because of their allowing themselves to be lured into the immorality?

    And what about when it's a situation where it's adultery, what about the enormous emotional pain experienced by the innocent mate or mates? Yes, one act of immorality of adultery, can inflict pain emotionally that can last an entire lifetime. Is it worth it? And then, of course, worst of all, a damaged or even severed relationship with Jehovah. Yes friends, immorality hurts everyone concerned. So my dear brothers and sisters, make it your goal to stay as far away as possible from the influence of the immoral woman, from immoral people.


    Avoid like the plague, association with them and their ways of thinking, their ways of doing things, even indirectly, by listening to debasing music, by watching corrupting entertainment. Whether it be at the theater, or on a video that you can just slip into your VCR at home. Or on the internet, or in magazines or books, or wherever it might be. Why expose yourself to their ways? Why expose yourselves to things like pornographic material, which is more and more prevalent around the world today? Also, avoid inviting the attention of immoral people by flirting with them, or by immodest dress and grooming, which we talked about earlier in the program this week. Beware of the voice of immoral strangers

    Directly after equating the victims with hookers, they go on to talk about people having problems due to sexual stuff. When most people know that the special is about molestation ANYWAY it becomes more clear.

    Victim speaking out=apostate=prostitute=someone who gets knocked up or an STD. See? It's a backhanded slap at anyone who chooses to speak out.


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