The Watchtower's big......(Homer Simpson-like)....... DOH'S!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

by formerout 12 Replies latest jw friends

  • formerout

    I was just reading another thread where I was reminded about how the WTBTS decided that it was "OK" to have babies again. I believe this was after the 1975 fiasco where, prior to this they were, in essence, telling people to drop everything, including having a family.

    Their great revelation about how it was now "OK to have babies" may have been a rush to judgement. The fact is that a lot of people left because they were "pissed" at being lied to. However, combine the 1975 failed prophecy together with their OWN "suggestion" to not have babies, and their numbers were dropping.

    Their TRUE motives not being mentioned.... YET... lol.......what are some other big... DOH'S that they have had to scramble to recover from?


  • avishai

    1914? the ban on vaccines? God's literal throne being in the pleiades?

  • formerout


    My God, you are so quick with your responses all the time. Yup those are some big ones. Besides the big ones that you rightly mentioned, I was also thinking about how they have prophesied about some things that were going to screw themselves when they went unfulfilled.

    Which brings up another question, I suppose. Could they prophesy 1914, 1975, etc. and not realize that when they didn't happen, that numbers would drop?


    Edited to add: I love the one about God being at whatever star in the Plaides thing, by the way........ I can be gullible, but I don't even I would have bought that although I do know that it is true that they taught such....... wow!!

  • avishai

    Here's for the newbies who don't know about this one:

    *** Thy Kingdom Come (SIS vol III) 1891 (1903 edition) p. 327 ***

    ?Alcyone, the central one of the renowned Pleiadic stars? Alcyone, then, as far as science has been able to perceive, would seem to be 'the midnight throne' in which the whole system of gravitation has its seat, and from which the Almighty governs his universe?

    [Emphasis Added]

    *** Reconciliation 1928 p.14 ***

    The constellation of the seven stars forming the Pleides? It has been suggested, and with much weight, that one of the stars of that group is the dwelling-place of Jehovah? The constellation of the Pleiades is a small one compared with others? But the greatness in size of other stars or planets is small when compared with the Pleiades in importance, because the Pleiades is the place of the eternal throne of God?

    [Emphasis Added]

    *** Watchtower 1953 November 15 p.703 Questions from Readers ***

    Questions from Readers

    ? What is meant by 'binding the sweet influences of the Pleiades' or 'loosing the bands of Orion' or 'bringing forth Mazzaroth in his seasons' or 'guiding Arcturus with his sons,' as mentioned at Job 38:31, 32?-W. S., New York.

    Some attribute striking qualities to these constellations or star groups and on the basis of such they then offer private interpretations of Job 38:31, 32 that amaze their hearers. Their views are not always sound from the standpoint of astronomy, and when viewed Scripturally they are completely without foundation. Why? Because we do not know which stars or groups of stars are being referred to in these verses. The names Pleiades, Orion and Arcturus are not the names given in the Bible. Some translations make Mazzaroth refer to the signs of the Zodiac. English translators have merely adopted these pagan names given to constellations or star groups and have inserted them in their translations in the place of the original names that appear in the Hebrew Scriptures, namely, Kimah, Kesil, Mazzaroth and 'Ayish. To just what stars or star groups these names refer we do not know today. Hence it is useless to indulge in unprofitable speculations. Incidentally, Pleiades can no longer be considered the center of the universe and it would be unwise for us to try to fix God's throne as being at a particular spot in the universe. Were we to think of the Pleiades as his throne we might improperly view with special veneration that cluster of stars.-Deut. 4:19; 2 Chron. 2:6; 6:18.

    [Emphasis Added]

  • avishai

    Here's another of my fave JW foot-in-mouth deals: with thanks to quotes

    *** The Truth Shall Make You Free (1943) pp.284-285, ch.XXii "THE TIME OF THE END" ***

    [Complete book (digital version) available on WT Bookshelf CD]

    [Scan Available: pages 284 & 285]

    The superficial appearance of our literal earth was greatly changed by the addition of the flood from the fallen water canopy, but upon this same earth another visible organization of ungodly men was built up. It dates particularly from the time of the founding of Nimrod's kingdom at Babel, or Babylon, and it has spread over all the earth. This human, visible organization of religion, commerce and politics makes up the symbolic "earth", and men think it will endure just as long as our earthly planet does. Our planet earth is surrounded by an invisible air mass, which is the "firmament" or expanse of atmosphere extending up about one hundred miles higher than man. In like manner the symbolic "earth" has invisible spirit powers in control of it, namely, the demons under Satan the Devil. This organization of wicked spirits with Satan as their prince is both higher than man and unseen to him. Hence that demon organization constitutes the "heavens" with relation to man's present earthly organization. Man on earth can no more get rid of these demonic "heavens" than man can by airplane or rockets or other means get up above the air envelope which is about our earthly globe and in which man breathes. God alone can and will deliver humankind from such demon powers of control.

    [Emphasis Added]

  • bebu

    Angels deliver what is published.
    (PREPARATION 1933 page. 36-37, 64)

    ok, no problem if he meant Hell's angels...


  • Mary

    Millions Now Living Will Never......... D'OH!!!

    August 15, 1968 WT: ".....One thing is absolutely certain, Bible chronology reinforced with fulfilled Bible prophecy shows that six thousand years of man?s existence will soon be up, yes, within this generation! (Matt. 24:34) This is, therefore, no time to be indifferent and complacent. This is not the time to be toying with the words of Jesus that "concerning that day and hour nobody knows, neither the angels of the heavens nor the Son, but only the Father." (Matt. 24:36) To the contrary, it is a time when one should be keenly aware that the end of this system of things is rapidly coming to its violent end. MAJOR D'OH!!!

    *** w66 3/1 p. 132 Should Falsehood and Corruption Be Exposed? ***So, then, when religious leaders and organizations of Christendom including the WTB&TS misrepresent God?s Word by teaching traditions of men, is it wrong to expose their false doctrines? [1914, 1975, this generation, military service, higher education etc.] When they claim to be following Christ and yet mix in worldly politics, is it a bad thing to publicize that their actions are unchristian and condemned by God? [like the NGO fiasco maybe?] Should the truth be suppressed because it exposes falsehood and corruption? Never! Ray Franz Jesus never hesitated to speak the truth, even though he was spiritually and emotionally killed at the instigation of the angered religious leaders for doing so.?John 17:14; Jas. 4:4.

    Therefore, how will you respond when pointed statements are made about false religious teachings and corrupt practices? Will you immediately condemn people like Ray Franz, Barbara Anderson and Bill Bowen the person or Dateline organization making the exposé? Do you feel it is all right to teach lies and misrepresent God?s Word, but wrong to expose the error? Contrary to what some may think, it is not unkind and unloving to lay bare falsehood and corruption.


  • formerout


    I loved your post. Just the right amount of light reasoning.


  • jws

    I remember at one time the teaching on the "heart" is that your emotions came from your literal heart. The heart was not being used figuratively.

    In 1982, Barney Clark received the first artificial heart. In 1984, (wt 9/1/84), the JWs came out with an article explaining that sometimes heart was figurative.

    My brother and I had long since come to this same conclusion and were lectured for not believing in the Society. When the Society changed their position, we let our parents know we were right BEFORE the Society.

  • Swan
    I remember at one time the teaching on the "heart" is that your emotions came from your literal heart.

    They also were stressing that your kidneys held your deepest desires and motivations. What BS!

    But I think the biggest DOH! has to go to the UN membership. After that story broke in the newspaper they withdrew their membership in the proverbial Manhattan minute!

    My favorite was Ray Franz' detailed account of the oral sex fiasco in the 70's! After countless disfellowshipping and or divorcing cases, they relaxed their stance and made it into a Don't Ask, Don't Tell policy. DOH!


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