....good 4 u!
Well it finally happened
by SheilaM 25 Replies latest jw friends
Thank you Sunny for your sprinkles...YES despite the JW's we are powerful huh?
Special K: Thank you
Min: Thanks
BEM: ALMOST OVER...I have three papers and one more final...I am anticipating good grades...(keeping my fingers crossed)
COOL!..Congrats!!! mac:)
Very cool, Sheila (and Thunder!) !!!
CONGRATULATIONS and may this inspire you to ever more creative works. Any chance you'll share the poem with us here?
Wow, Sheila! That is quite an accomplishment! Congratulations to you both! I had something published once in a college journal back in Texas. I didn't think it was such a big deal and so I never got a copy of it! How stupid was that!
By the way, glad to see you posting again!
Thanks Out: Sure I will pull it up soona and post it.
Thanks Mac
Wild_Thing: Ya you should have kept that. College literary works are received really well. I actually have read now twice at the college and once for the entire Board of Trustees.