I read alot of posts and it seems that though you all (or most) have left the KH, you still believe in a "father" or a "jesus" that created everything. Since I too and one that left the KH, I have delved into Science and have come the conculsion that god does not exist in a spirit form, but is life itself. The "creator" of all things is Evolution. Darwin was right. I have accpeted that the bible, koran and other "holy scripts" are only written by men who are trying figure out what he/she cannot grasp. So the easiest answer is that a god or gods created everything and do everything for us. I do believe that religion (every religion) is man's question to try figure out what we are incapable of. Science has become my religion now. Not Sciencetology, but Science.
Evolution Anyone???
by Steve Josef 50 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
You are not alone here in your views. There are many here who have the same or similiar believs.
I'm curious, would I be correct in assuming that what you think of as evolution includes only physical form, and that life itself as you say is the evolution of organic life? My own view is that though there are material correlates which we can perceive and measure, it is probably a bit reductionistic to assume that's all there is. Human beings go through stages of development which might be compared with evolution, but some of this is internal without much change in the physical organism. It seems the higher/later stages of development can only be distinguished by careful analysis of behavior. It also seems to require the perspective of a stage higher or equal to the highest level in the stages of development being examined.
"It is not so much that you use your mind wrongly--you usually don't use it at all. It uses you. This is the disease." -Eckhart Tolle, The Power of Now
I brought back a thread on this subject, called, The Good, The Bad, and Evolution." Depending on when you come back to review the board, it should be found in the first three pages of topics if you click in under most active.
Hello Steve,
I too have come to much the same ideals that you have, that religions are really a way for man to express the ideals of how we came about. But I have not been able to accept evoloution. The problem with evoloution, that I have seen is there is no connection between the spicies, they lay claim to selective breading, but when this happens you still have the same type of animal, i.e. you bread a horse for special features you still have a horse, same in a dog ect. Now I realize we are talking thousands or even millions of years for a new spicies but I just cannot buy into it totally. I even watch a show about some seals in Russia that they say have evolved into a different spiecies of seal, but they are still a seal, not something else. Now do not get me wrong, as I feel that the idea of evoloution is a very viable answer to creation, and I would for the most part accept it if they could show the actual links. But so far they are having a difficult time doing this, even through DNA and genitic testing so far.
Now let me run this one by ya's, and it's one idea that I feel I can accept, but I'm sure many will scoff at the absurd idea LOL. Terra Forming. Basically the idea that we were planted here by a superiour being or just a more advanced group of beings. Perhaps even had, at one time, been a group of them stranded here or marooned here in the distant past. This actually would answer the questions of why there were many other speicies of human in the distant past, that they may have been a failed expieriment in the establishing of humans on earth.
They have found that Homo Sapiens and some of the other spiecies where here during the same time period, and perhaps were inter bred, and ended up developing some of the different races that we have. That might even expain why I'm such a harry beast, LOL, (being Celtic) and the other groups like the native americans and many other races not having much of a rug on their bodies LMAO. Who knows LOL but it is an idea.
And no I'm not nuts or some crazed idiot, LOL although I know some of my friends think I'm nuts LOL. If someone had run this idea by me a few years ago I would have thought "what nut ouse did this guy sneak out of. But I've done some research on it and is a very viable prospect, as much as either evoloution or creation.
Ok just rambling here.
Steve. (and everyone else)
I understand why you would leave a false religion such as the Jehovah's Witnesses, but I don't understand why you would leave one lie for another, evolution. Yes, evolution IS a lie. It is not science. It isn't even remotely scientific. You left the KH but did it ever occur to you that the WTBTS is religious cult that is a spin-off of the truth? Christianity is true. JWs are not. But evolution is just as much a lie as the JWs.
Did you know that there is way more evidence to support Creation by God than there is to support evolution? In fact, there isn't any evidence in support of evolution. It is entirely impossible.
I'll leave it at that for now. If you want to argue or debate or whatever just reply to this post or email me personally at [email protected]
I personally believe that evolution is a fact, and I also believe in some form of creator. Have you ever thought that maybe the two ideas are not mutally exclusive? For myself the mechanics of creation is evolution; the entity that started the whole process moving is god.
I would however be interested in reading you 'proof' about creationism and if you desire you can answer me here or email me at [email protected].
Thank you, Jelly
Steve Josef
Is seems to me that evolution is the only possible means. Take for example the horse. Its ancestors include the Pliohippus, the Merychippus, Miohippus. These are very much LIKE horses of today, yet are no longer here. Natural selection said that they are not the strongest and they have evolved into modern day horses. Same with man. the Cro-Magnon took over the Neaderthals and we came from the Cro-Magnon . If Christianity is correct, then why does the bible not speak of such things? It says Adam and Eve.... But it makes no mention of Neaderthals. There are fossils of such things, why does the bible make no mention? Well Intropection, I beleive that everything that we are today evolved from the Cro-Magnon man. The way we think, our looks. you see, Cro-Magnon were able to obliterate the Neaderthals because of his brain. The neaderthals were powerhouses, and along comes Cro-magnon. This is were our brain power comes from. Our behaviour on the other hand, is something that has had an evolution all it self. many would argue that our beahaviour is hard wired and there is nothing that we can do. I don't believe that at all. We are more than capable to adapt, and that is why humans live on every part of the Earth. If evolution is a lie, as it was called, then why do many fossil records tell otherwise? We do know that Neaderthals and a few other humanoids existed, why doesn't the bible of any? O and the 6 thousand year thing the JWs say...... that is VERY wrong. lol, just thought I'd throw that in. :)
Steve Josef
I am sorry larc, I was unable to find The Good, The bad and Evolution. where did you say it was? ..... 'member I am a newbie!! lol
That's called the argument from incredulity. It's one of those logical fallacies. Basically, it goes something like: "I don't see how that is possible, therefore it's impossible." Like it or not, evolution is an established fact. Speciation has been observed under laboratory conditions and in the real world. The fossil record shows a gradual development over time. DNA evidence supports this. You mightn't like it but it's true.
Your idea of "terraforming" is interesting but there is no evidence for it, nor does it explain anything better than the theory of natural selection, and it postulates beings more advanced than those known to exist. For these reasons, it has to be rejected.--
Ubi dubium ibi libertas